What is quality improvement?
Danielle Dulski (left), Homeless By-Name List Coordinator for Lake County Community Development; Erica O’Neill (top right), HCHV Social Worker at Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center; Lillie Prince (bottom right), HCHV Coordinator at Ca

What is quality improvement?

The Lake County, Illinois, veteran team is sustaining functional zero by leveraging a discipline harnessed in manufacturing and health care.

In December 2018, the Built for Zero community of Lake County/North Chicago, Illinois, achieved functional zero for veteran homelessness. As they continue to sustain that milestone and drive reductions in homelessness for other populations, the community has modeled a discipline at the heart of the Built for Zero methodology:?quality improvement.?

This practice has transformed fields like manufacturing and health care, and?now it is changing how communities solve homelessness.? Also known as improvement science, quality improvement expresses the idea behind systems thinking — the idea that outcomes are the product of systems, and that improving outcomes requires changes to the system.

For Yareli Salgado, Continuum of Care Coordinator at Lake County, quality improvement means enacting little changes that can add up.

Headshot of Yareli Salgado.
Yareli Salgado, Continuum of Care Coordinator at Lake County.
“So instead of trying to make one big change that you might get a lot of resistance to,?it’s incremental changes that’ll still get you to that big end goal that you want, but are more achievable in the small bursts.”

Bright spot

Stratford-Perth-St. Marys, Ontario, Canada, achieved a 10% reduction in chronic homelessness.

?The time is now

People experiencing homelessness are more likely to be victims of violent crime.

Last week, we were all confronted with a tragic reminder of?what is at stake?in our shared responsibility to end homelessness.?The death of Jordan Neely reminds us of the threats of violence that our unhoused neighbors face at every level — interpersonally and structurally — and the irreparable costs of allowing this unacceptable crisis to persist.

It is on all of us to protect each other and our communities.?One action we can take is to highlight the truths about homelessness,?like the fact that people experiencing homelessness are disproportionately more likely to be victims of violent crime.?

We want to recognize that Mr. Neely’s life and death may be heavy on your hearts and minds. We hope?this resource ?may be of value as we affirm not only the truths about homelessness, but the possibility of creating a different reality when we face those truths head-on.

Help us spread the truth about homelessness.

Mental Health Awareness Month

Watch how Gulf Coast, Mississippi, partnered to strengthen their efforts to link people experiencing homelessness with mental illness services.

Light blue background with "A place to call home" written on it, along with an illustration of a house.

Built for Zero news

The Housing Stabilization Learning Cohort was designed to create community-based approaches that coordinate and target homelessness prevention to reduce inflow and advance racial equity.

In the news

Read Maine’s progress as they continue their statewide approach to ending homelessness through Built for Zero.


