What is Python and what are the applications ?
In the face of the numerous programming languages, there is one that is standing out more and more and for numerous reasons, it is not necessary to have a college degree to use it and with a few lines of code we can already do many functions.
Origin and brief history:
By more formal definition python is a high-level programming language, created in the late eighties (1989) by Guido van Rossum at the Center for Mathematics and Information Technology (CWI, Centrum Wiskunde and Informatica). And to baptize the name of the language Guido Van Rossum chose his favorite television program “Monty Python”, however the animal of the python species was represented as the symbol of the language in front of the famous books of the publisher “O'reilly” that always put a animal on the cover. Faced with several projects that were launched over time, the PSF “Python Software Foundation” emerged in 2001, a non-profit foundation that seeks to improve the language according to the community improving itself, currently PSF is supported by Google , Microsoft.
Python is a high level programming language which means it is geared towards the human language in English rather than machines which are binary like zeros and one which by definition ends up being easier for the programmer to write and interpret the code.
Main advantages:
1. General Purpose:
It is a general purpose tool that is used for web development, applications, data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision and numerous features, many of them running inside the DataSide simply by specifying and installing which feature in lines of code we want to use. .
2. Simplicity:
Its installation and package is simple and doesn't need a lot of memory, being free and open source.
3. Organization:
The language must be extremely organized to be necessary for the program to run through “indentation”, that is, spaces per paragraph. This attitude facilitates the productivity, interpretation and writing of the entire community of programmers.
4. Object orientation:
An object-oriented language that serves to save lines of code and change the program's workflow without much work.
5. Multiple libraries:
It has numerous libraries, which are resources to simplify the programming process and remove the need to rewrite the most used commands, being able to be used by calling them / importing them at the beginning of a script and ends up making the programmer's life easier, which makes it fully multiplatform, that is, it is easy to run on different machines, such as computers, cell phones and devices with internet of things.
6. Used in various companies:
Many companies use Python like Google, Nasa, Microsoft, Autodesk, Youtube, Amazon, Facebook, Spotify, Dropbox, Reddit among others.
The idea of using different types of tools in the job market is always welcome and Python has been standing out strongly for means and quick solutions and leaner code or even in complex projects, as previously mentioned its access is extremely easy and simple and can be performed even online. Altogether it is an excellent language for beginners and it should grow more and more, however we must remember that programming languages tend to have an expiration date and with the emergence of new languages the tendency is for it to lose strength over time, however currently it is the language of the moment.