What is the purpose of a firm?
Today, I read again after a long silence the contribution by Nobel Laureate @Milton Friedman on his doctrine of the objective of the firm--he argued in his @New York Times contribution dated September 13, 1970 that the 'Social responsibility of the firm is to make profit'. Last semester, when I visited a graduate degree class in Advanced Economics as a visiting lecturer, I initiated my opening lecture with this thought with due respect for the diversity of political ideology prevalent in the class.
I facilitated the class discussion as guided by the principles of 'Pedagogy of the Oppressed' by @Paulo Freire—a dialogical, experiential classroom. My operationalization was inspired by the democratic principles--class is for the students, to the students, by the students--and a miniaturized version of the parliamentary system. Key issues emerged in this classroom inspired me to review the following literature:
I would like to invite all thinkers from left to right and centrists to the approach suggested by @Henry Mintzberg as he is arguing for ''Rebalancing Society," and I have contributed a course on the same.
1 个月Also Ronald Coase ponders similar topics in his Theory of the Firm article i.e. why do firms exist.