What is the purpose of business, who owns what, and how do we coordinate people? Creating legal codes for a Syntropic World
Syntropic World
A new operating system for changemakers who hold reverence for all life.
What is the purpose of a company, business or enterprise?
This question can be answered from multiple perspectives.
It might be to bring to life an idea for something that the world needs.
It might be to create an income for the founder and team.
It might be to create a team to do something together.?
It could be to do all of these things listed above.
To do anything in the world that matters to our collective future needs people working together.?
It is time we re-think and re-design how we bring people together, how we coordinate people, why we do it, and what is the best way to do this that allows the business of the business to happen beautifully.?
A Syntropic Enterprise
*Has a purpose that is Syntropic - meaning it leaves everything better for achieving its purpose. Therefore, we create Syntropy to the very best of our abilities.?
*Invites participation, honouring the diversity of individuality, skills, abilities, ethnicity, age, gender, and sexuality.?
*Has a code of conduct, an agreement for Trust, that all participants need to agree to, by their choice, before they become active participants. “People like us treat each other like this.” “People like us do things like this when chaos ensues.”
*Considers the unique wholeness of individual contribution, and rather than try to fit a person to a role, offers a whole person the ability to morph a role that may cross many areas. In other words, we get the very best from people because they are invited to bring their whole selves to their work.
*Has the development of each other and the whole team, without exception, built into the design. Elegant, autopoietic, every emergent, well supported.
*Honours contribution in six domains. We see caring, kindness, the special touch, art, the natural clown who makes people laugh, or the person who is always brave enough to ask hard questions.?
*We work together towards a clear purpose that serves our collective future. Our products and services are in support of an eternally regenerative Universe. Therefore, we are comprehensively considerate of the actions we take and the side effects of those actions.?
*We take responsibility for what we do and hold ourselves and our fellows to account.
*No one is above being challenged by the active team. We know how to do this with love and care through ongoing training and coaching.
*One of the most significant indicators that we are working harmonically is the synergistic response we get when working on an idea, project or wicked problem. We are better together.
*Our structure enables people to have lives - to choose their hours, to put family first.
In Syntropic World, we are still to create our legal code, even as we are three years old.
There is a clear reason for this. We know we need to create a new form of legal code that transcends the current legal codes on offer.
Features it must include.
Syntropic World cannot be sold, cannot be taken public, caps the salaries of any ‘leadership or executive’ to a percentage of the minimum wage, gives a capped yet fair return on investment to any form of contribution that has been registered, directs all other surplus either back into the business, or into a fund that supports the development of other Syntropic Enterprises, allows the Steward Leader final voting rights in any significant change until a point that Syntropic Worlds?Pattern Integrity?is anchored into the bones of the business.?
We also seek a thriving culture of complementary currencies, removing the threat of a mono currency as essential to existence.?
The Syntropic Commons
The Syntropic Commons is a Commons held in virtual space. The Syntropic Commons offers education, programs, experiences, events, games, art, music, poetry, R@D and books - artefacts and experiences that reflect, demonstrate, or educate a Syntropic World.
The Syntropic Commons Platform is the central digital space for curation, sharing, promotion, storytelling and celebration of Syntropic Art.
Active Community members who have agreed to?Syntropic Words Trust Manifesto, completed the?Synergistic Audit?for Syntropic World and participated in the community are given access to share their work in the Syntropic Commons. The Commons is a hybrid collective cooperative, with voting rights for all active members. It operates under a 100% transparent budget, with community budget decisions.
Teams of Twelve
Syntropic World works within the Synergistic geometry of 12 - based on 12 Degrees of Freedom and the Vector equilibrium. Once we have twelve people in a team we multiply by division. Each Twelve has autonomy in all things in their group of 12, as a fractal reflection of the whole. The whole Stewardship team is never more than 12.?
Who OWNS what?
Ownership is a strange animal. It is, of course, the underpinnings of a Capitalistic World. Land enclosure, rights enclosure and IP enclosure are the foundation stones of capitalism.
In Syntropic World we think about ownership differently. Regarding ownership of ideas, digital products, and platforms, we recognise that every Source Idea is a response from many present and past ancestors. There is no original idea. Therefore, we seek to honour lineage at all times.
However, using the Synergetic Audit, we can consider value in multiple domains of input and request return, acknowledgement and reward in multiple domains.
If I am the Steward of a Source Idea, my primary role is to protect the Pattern Integrity of that idea - that the Pattern Integrity is never debased or diminished. This recognition is seen and valued through a percentage distribution of value over some time. This value can be asked for and received in multiple domains, including but not limited to money.
The Steward of a workshop, program or event is similarly honoured for their work, which may involve years of experience and skills development.?
Ideas can be held in Trust for some time. Then, at some point, they become open source, or open source within a bounded set of conditions, as open source is where we get synergy and emergence. In the Syntropic Community, most of our work is open source within the community.
Each project is considered a new project. Each project, therefore, begins with the project team collectively creating the currency flows and exchanges of value, a conversation that is revisited regularly. This conversation also considers the agreement for Trust and the Synergistic Audit account for contribution and reward. We are creating a living system and therefore support its emergence, adaptation and flourishing as we emerge, adapt and flourish.
How do we know we are doing beautiful work?
We are moving elegantly towards our purpose.?
There is almost zero experience of exploitation, extraction and colonisation. However, if exploitation, colonisation or extraction occur, they become rich learning experiences.?
All participants, including our clients and customers, are experiencing or approaching a higher order of whole domain wellbeing.
Ecologies of synergy are the norm.
The steward leader is rarely required to manage human relational dysfunction, mediate between people, or say no to a strategy. This is because the holding architecture itself is so considerately designed.?
When we are on path, we experience synchronicities, delightful surprises, magic and the impossible as normal.?
*We are creating a whole new language. A new world needs new language.?
**Our prime rule is the application of the Laws of Nature to everything rather than imposing our ideas on Nature. Within this constraint, we have an incredible field of play and experimentation. This is a delightful experience within the Syntropic Community. The synergistic experimentation, creativity and innovation working with Syntropic Principles.
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Syntropic World is a global education and community of practice applying the organising principles of nature to enterprise design and human coordination. Creating ecologies of trust, ensuring integrity in everything, enabling collective sense making, and organising around a central purpose - how to create a world that works for 100% of humanity without ecological offence or the disadvantage of anyone.
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