What property introduction looks like
Stuart Walton
Digital creator . Web Designer . Writer. Left wing . Stoic . Founder of Get Pro Copy in Manchester, UK. Contact me at: 07462923476 [email protected]
I've just launched a new business, perhaps as a mid-life crisis. I've got the personalised plate on my BMW for Get Pro Copy Ltd and felt it timely to extend the personal brand with my own domain: stuart hyphen walton dot com. It's a right pain in the arse to spell out I now realise and should have gone with something more generic and simple perhaps?
But I bought the domain, designed the website and thought, here goes.
I'm no stranger to the property industry, having worked in it for 6 years on and off. Most estate agents are not who'd I class as friends; most would throw their family under a bus for a listing; many are as accomplished at lying as politicians.
But, in the past 6 years, amongst the bellends, I've met some stars.
People who are helpers, who do know the business inside out, understand marketing and the power of social media, and provide an outstanding service for a decent fee.
I used to be a big fan of the Emoov model, having sold through Russell Quirk's company. I liked the freedom to create my own listing and the fact they sent a professional freelance photographer to shoot the house.
The only corners cut were on the fixed fee to sell, which, I know and Russell knows, was flawed as the service was exceptional. We sold through them as did our buyers.
I've decided now, with the connections I've garnered - the stars of estate agency, not the bellends, to set up a property introducer business.
Here's how it works.
- I source the listings, the vendors, who may be struggling to sell a property that they have for sale or thinking about selling soon.
- I prepare all the marketing, using the Emoov model as before: the photos are taken professionally by someone I source across this disunited kingdom. I create the floorplan, beautifully craft the description, the videos etc.
- Having done all that legwork, I then introduce a trusted agent, whose philosophy chimes with mine. I don't want customers tied in on contracts, I don't want upfront charges, I want to set the % fee and pay the estate agent a part of this for launching it on portals, fielding calls and managing viewings etc.
- I don't get tied in and neither does the vendor. If I think the estate agent is not handling the process smoothly enough, if the vendor expresses annoyance or whatever, I find a better agent.
- I'm not cutting out the estate agent at all - I'm just making sure that the marketing is of an exceptional standard. I set the asking price, the guide price, the OIEO price in negotiations with the sellers, using comparables etc. We all know that pricing is key but too often agents overvalue to get the listing and subsequently piss homeowners off when viewings don't materialise. Not happening with my service. Selling a home needs to be treated like the high value item it is - crap photos, piss poor floorplans and vacuous descriptions won't be allowed as I'll do all those. Or outsource, as in the photos and videos.
- I agree a % fee with the seller. I then confirm the commission division with the agent who markets the property, in essence being a middle man between the seller, and agent, assisting with negotiation, marketing and using my wealth of knowledge to help create a deal that pleases all parties. The seller knows they won’t fall victim to a rogue agent, and the agent knows they can’t take advantage. I make that a win all round.
An estate agent asked me this week what's in it for them? Good question. You get a cut of the commission. I've sourced the client, the listing, sorted the photos, floorplan and description. You will be emailed that to add to Rightmove. You are responsible for viewings and feedback, with me asking you for regular updates. I'd also be the middle man when offers materialise. The estate agent collects part of the % fee on completion.
Now if that sounds like something that would appeal and you don't mind me doing all the legwork and setting your commission fee, email me at [email protected]
Likewise if you know someone whose experiencing a bad service with an estate agent anywhere in the UK, put them in touch with me: 07462923476 is best.
I'll sell that property through my marketing and links with exceptional estate agencies across the country. If I don't, the vendor won't pay a penny.
Owner at Fullers UK Enterprises
5 年if you know someone whose experiencing a bad service with an estate agent anywhere in the UK? When are you setting up the call centre?