What is a proofreader?
What is proofreading?
Who needs a proofreader?
Why are proofreaders in demand?
Why is Perfect Proofreaders the right choice?
Proofreading is the final stage in the editorial process. It is the last line of defence before any written material is published. Proofreaders closely scan documents checking for errors so that there are no mistakes left in the final draft. Mistakes can be costly to correct in printed material, be embarrassing for the writer and even cause commercial damage in the form of lost sales.
The proofreader checks for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors initially, before double-checking hyphenation, capitalisation, abbreviation, consistency and repetition. Proofreaders do not change content but may make suggestions regarding word choice.
One of the key tasks of academic proofreading is to ensure that all citations and references are correct according to a given style. Many authors and editors have their own style guidelines and it is the job of the proofreader to make sure written content matches this to the letter. The art and science of proofreading attracts several types of people to the job. Keen readers, grammar pedants, frustrated detectives and the ‘punctuation police’ are all drawn to this essential editorial task.
All written content needs a proofreader. Anything with words! Here are some examples: CVs, resumes, personal statements, cover letters, including the all-important recommendation letter for graduate school. Authors of e-books, novels, screenplays and technical manuals all require the services of a skilled, trained proofreader.
The advance of technology (especially AI technology) leaves many with the opinion that the services of a proofreader are now obsolete. On the contrary, skilled, trained proofreaders have never been in such high demand. Software programs such as Grammarly, Ginger and PerfectIt are all ammunition in the arsenal of the professional proofreader.
They are seen as electronic tools to be used as an aid, but simply are not designed to do the job to the highest standards required. Proofreaders are responsible to ensure that the tone of the writing is appropriate to the style guide, not repetitive and consistent throughout. There is always the need for a trained eye to be cast over a document before it is sent for publication. This is especially true for ESL clients and Perfect Proofreaders are ESL editing specialists. Improve your grade by giving us your words – we will make them perfect.
Here at Perfect Proofreaders we have a combined experience of over 80 years among our core editors. We may be a new company (founded in March 2022) but we have a strong legacy and a wealth of experience behind us. Every editor goes through a strict screening process and follows our proprietary ‘8-step’ proofreading process on every document. Your words are in great hands with us. We take great pride in ensuring every document is returned error-free with helpful suggestions for improvement.
We have a simple, clear 3-step process on our website and multiple payment options. We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, Stripe, as well as WePay and Alipay for our Chinese clients. In many cases, our army of editors will ensure return of your document within 24 hours. Give us your words – we make them perfect.