What promise do your customers want, and how can it increase your sales?
Mayur Bardolia, CTDP
Certified Training & Development Professional | Facilitator | College Lecturer | Instructional Designer | Keynote Speaker | Workforce Development Specialists | Success Coach | Author | Podcast- Love Your Business
Zig Ziglar said You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want. Your customers are happy to pay you when you deliver the promises they want from you. Your promise means the solution you provide that solves your customer’s problem.
What are the promises customers want from you? If you deliver any or all of the promises you are going to know from this article, your customers will keep buying from you.?Let’s discuss, shall we?
What would you do when you want to find information about almost anything? What website would you choose to search? You would undoubtedly go to Google. There is only one search engine that comes to mind. In 1995, before Google came to light, Yahoo, Lycos and Webcrawler were the first search engine sites. Then came Excite, Altavista and others. Google came up in 1996 with the name called BackRub. MSN search came in 1998. Google, which we use, was also launched in 1998.
Google was competing with other search engines such as Altavista, AskJeeves, AOL, and Lycos. Many more companies jumped into this battle to capture the market of search engines. Almost no one survived. Many companies went bankrupt and shut down. In the end, Google survived the battle.? MSN tried to rebrand as BING. Yahoo is still fighting, but Google is still the clear winner when people want to search on the internet.
What makes Google so great? Google is one of the most straightforward websites in the world, with almost no distractions. There is nothing fancy or flashy on Google. It’s giving away information for free. Millions of people use Google for free. Google makes money and is one of the wealthiest companies in the world. But what is Google doing that makes it so popular? The answer is: It delivers promises. It delivers what you ask for.
In business, you have to deliver what the customer wants. You have to deliver the solution to the problem your customer is having. The solution means the promise that you are making to your customers to solve their problems.
In this aarticle, we are going to discuss what promises your customers want. We will find out three types of promises your customers pay you for. If you include any of these three promises, your customers will buy from you.
Let’s start with the first one, shall we?
If you visit McDonald’s Restaurants, you will almost always find customers. No matter where you go in the world. It’s probably the most profitable restaurant chain in the world.? A New McDonald’s Opens Every 14.5 Hours. This means that two new McDonalds are opening every day. More People Eat at McDonald’s Every Day than the Entire Population of the UK. Over 60 million customers visit every single day. They bring revenue of 75.21 million per day to McDonald’s.
What does McDonald’s deliver? Many would say it delivers quality food, but if you ask any doctor or nutritionist, they would not call it quality food. They call it junk food. Some people say that it’s value for money. Well, the cost of the food is reasonably higher than the average meal price in the market. Some would say that they deliver with a smile in a clean and pleasant environment. That’s probably right, too.
But there is something that makes it unique. It’s called ‘Fast’ delivery. They deliver food faster than any other restaurant. That’s why their food is called fast food. If you go to McDonald’s, your food is delivered in almost 2-5 minutes. It sometimes takes 7-10 minutes, but only when it’s too busy. At other restaurants, you have to wait for at least 10-15 minutes to get your food delivered to your table, and it’s painful when you are hungry. ?McDonald’s knows it, and they don’t want you to wait for more than 2-5 minutes. It’s a rule. Ask anyone who works at it, and they will tell you.
Don’t make people wait. Why? People want their results fast. People want their solutions fast. The reason is simple. People want things NOW. People are restless in nature.
Can you deliver faster? Find out how you can deliver the solution to the problems of your customers faster than others. People will pay more for faster delivery. People hate problems and they want the solution faster. Promise something that brings results to your customers faster.
Quick results release the pressure. People want to save time and want to use that time to do things they love to do. Find out how can you deliver faster results. What if you can’t deliver faster results? What other promises should you deliver? Let’s discuss in the second part, shall we?
I was too poor at drawing. A straight line was the only thing I could draw. I was avoiding the subject of drawing in my school days. I wanted to draw well, but I could never learn. My drawings were horrible. I used to laugh at my drawings, and others laughed loudly. And I lost my courage and confidence to draw.
Eight months ago, I started drawing cartoons. I have wanted to learn it for the last 4-5 years but have never tried. I was afraid of whether I could draw or not. The memories from my school days were stopping me. That sound in my head was telling me that I could never draw. But 8 months ago, I was talking to one of my clients. I found out that she draws cartoons in her free time. I showed interest in learning it, and she sent me a book.
Now, it was almost accidental talk. The book teaches you how to draw cartoons even if you haven’t drawn before. I picked up the book and flicked through the pages, and I realized that I could draw. The instructions were so simple that I felt like someone was holding my hand and showing me how to walk.
With the step-by-step instructions, I started drawing with ease and comfort. My confidence started building up, and I didn’t stop. I can now draw cartoons frequently. I have started making my own cartoon album in my diary.
One of the reasons people avoid doing the work and pay someone to do it is because it saves them energy. People are lazy, or should I say, they will do a minimum amount of work. I wrote the book ‘Finish With Focus’ in 2018. It was published on Amazon. It’s about how you can enjoy getting things done with focus and fun without working for longer hours. It’s a good book to increase your productivity with focus and fun.
Now we know that people don’t want to work harder. What can you do that makes their life easier? How can you bring the solution or promise that solves your customers’ problems easily? Use the science, technology or any resource that makes it easy for your customers to deal with their challenges.
I learned cartooning from a book because it was easy. We have been training and coaching for the last 10 years, and we always focus on teaching people easier than everyone else. Except for a few of my books, courses, and workshops, we make it easy for our customers to learn the skill more easily than they learned from anyone else. If our customers and students don’t learn, we take responsibility.
People will pay for things that save their energy. Look at the new companies that emerged in the last 10-15 years. Examples include Uber taxis, online food delivery services, Amazon Prime, etc. People will avoid doing work, and if you do that work, they will pay you for it.
Find out what you can deliver so that people avoid doing the work or minimize the efforts. Look at what people don’t like to do, and you will do it in exchange for money. Apart from delivering fast or easy or both promises, there is also another promise you can give. Let’s find out in the final part of this article.
If you go to the high street in London, New York, Paris or Singapore, there are a lot of shops that sell highly luxurious items. They sell things that cost 10-20X more than similar items in the market. ?In the case of Apple's procducts, consumers wait overnight for new releases of iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers. Apple products are not technologically unique or superior. In fact, Samsung makes phones with better features (compared to most iPhone models), and Xiaomi makes phones that typically have a cheaper price point. Still, Apple experiences a high degree of brand loyalty and seems to break sales records year after year.
People spend money on expensive brands, and they are called crazy, but they are probably not. Some people perceive non-luxury goods as inferior simply because they are non-luxury. They also come to the irrational conclusion that higher-priced goods are of better quality. They may believe that you get what you pay for, regardless of whether the goods are actually better than their more affordable competitors. Consumers usually focus on the positive attributes of a product while ignoring its drawbacks. Non-luxury items are viewed as inferior. People easily find out the negatives of those non-luxury products over the brand-name ones.
Why do consumers choose to spend more money on luxury goods? The third promise you can deliver to the customer is ‘Better’. And it’s because people feel they are entitled to be ‘Better’ or do ‘better.’ People spend more when they feel better. They feel more superior, powerful, secure and happier when they spend more money on things they find ‘BETTER.’
Do you treat yourself well when you’re in a bad emotional mood? If so, you may be throwing money on items you can’t afford in order to boost your mood. On the other hand, you may celebrate a big promotion, goal achievement, or other life milestones by spending hundreds (or thousands) on a designer item or buying something expensive. It is believed that a more expensive product implies better quality, exclusivity, customization or some additional bonuses.
In addition to your emotions, your self-esteem can also determine how likely you are to buy luxury goods. Consumers who want to feel better about themselves might buy expensive items because they serve as status symbols. ?When people buy branded clothes, cars or electronic items, they become part of a community of exceptional, interesting and passionate people. Everyone wants to be part of a special club or association. It’s our social need.
You need to deliver something that makes your customers ‘BETTER.’ It can be anything related to the betterment of your customers. Find out what can make your customers do better, feel better, perform better, look better and be better. They will give their money to you happily. Interesting, isn’t it? That takes us to the end of this article.
Let’s summarise what we have covered in this article. In business, you have to deliver what the customer wants. You have to deliver the solution to the problem your customer is having. The solution means the promise that you are making to your customers to solve their problems. We discussed what promises your customers want. ?We found out three types of promises that your customers pay you for.
We started with the promise of delivering a solution that saves their time. People want their results fast. People want their solutions fast. The reason is simple. People want things NOW. Find out how you can deliver the solution to the problems of your customers faster than others. People will pay more for faster delivery. People want to save time and want to use that time to do things they love to do.
In the second part, we discussed the promise you can deliver that saves their energy. People will pay for things that save their energy. People will avoid doing work, and if you do that work, they will pay you for it. Find out what you can deliver so that people avoid doing the work or minimize the efforts. Look at what people don’t like to do, and you will do it in exchange for money.
Then, in the final part, we discussed the third promise you can deliver that makes people better. And it’s because people feel they are entitled to be ‘Better’ or do ‘better.’ People spend more when they feel better. You need to deliver something that makes your customers ‘BETTER.’ Find out what can make your customers do better, feel better, perform better, look better or be better. They will give their money to you happily.
And finally, if your promise is fast, easy and better, you will do wonders in the business. Exactly. Find out what promises you can deliver. It can be fast, easy or better and probably includes everything.