What projects do Buuttians do?

What projects do Buuttians do?

Buuttians work with our clients' software and their teams.

Here are a couple of examples:

Web Development and DevOps for Nordic Healthcare Group

Buutti's Tuomas helped NHG with their product portal. He created new features to the software and user interface improvements.

Tuomas introduced Material UI to the project and helped the client to create a Ci/CD pipeline.

Now, there is more automation and production is faster, easier and the quality is higher.

Read the whole thing: https://buutticonsulting.com/referenssit/2023/10/26/helping-nordic-healthcare-group-with-web-development-and-devops/

Patient record feed for Esko Systems

Various Buuttians have helped Esko Systems with their patient information system. The latest development has been the new patient record feed.

Doctors and nurses use the feed dozens of times daily. One patient may have thousands of entries, so creating a user-friendly feed is not a simple task.

We worked with Esko's own developers to make the feed fast and reliable. The load times have been reduced from minutes to seconds. Elasticsearch has provided a very useful tool in this.

There was also Front End improvements. The team changed JavaScript to TypeScript to reduce annoying bugs.

Read the whole thing: https://buutticonsulting.com/referenssit/2023/10/31/patient-record-feed-with-esko-systems/

Want to work in similar projects? Apply here:

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