What is Programming? Which Programming language learn First?
Dr P Prasant
Dy Pro Vice Chancellor @ Sikkim Global Technical University | PhD in Computer Science
After looking over this image I put which language is good for which goal on my list. Looks a little like this:
I want to be able to create Android Apps (Java/Kotlin)
I want to be able to create software on Windows (C#/Java/Python)
I want to be able to create functional web apps that assist or provide information on games (JavaScript/Python)
I want to learn a more simple to learn a language at first and become proficient with it (Python)
I would one day like to transition into a programming career (Python, C#, C, Java)
I don't necessarily want to work for FAN companies as I would have to move (Java - I had to look for jobs in my local area and find what was currently the majority language for local companies)
I would like to make software to teach my daughter stuff in the future (Java, Python, C#)
After that, I tallied them up and it was obvious that Java and Python were the majority on this list. Now I already knew some of the basics of Java but all over the web I every blog post I read kept saying "Python is really easy to learn" so I figured since they were both so close and I truly want to stick with one for a while then I will just go with Python. Before this, I was aimlessly following YouTube advice not really seeing a direction. By making a list it helps you see the bigger picture.
But, all of this is pointless if you do not commit. Don't listen to the endless waves of YouTube programming community videos on which language is the best. You will perpetually be stuck like I was. I would like to add the analogy that if you don't get past step one you will never make it to the top of the staircase. You could look at being a developer/engineer/programmer as being in a skyscraper that has many flights of stairs. So just focus on one for now, more will come in the future and you will be great with whatever you choose and stick with for a while. You don't need to live, breathe, and eat that one language till the day you grow old and die. But you do need to get past the basics.