What procedures should be included in the UPS maintenance, what is their purpose and how to conduct them correctly and effectively?
Julia Babakaeva
Data Center Consulting Marketing Director | Design | Solutions| Operation| Certification
Based on the regulations of different manufacturers, we have compiled an average list of procedures — it will be a useful guide.
1. Checking environmental factors ? ?
We make sure that the equipment is operated in the proper conditions: there are no access restrictions to it, the temperature and humidity regime is observed, and the air quality requirements are met.
2. External inspection ?? ? ?
Visually assess the condition of the UPS: the presence of dust, traces of corrosion, mechanical damage. The shortcomings need to be eliminated.
Next, we open the covers and panels to assess the condition of the internal components: whether there are swollen capacitors, insulation violations, twisted wires, etc.
3. Control measurements ??
We measure the network parameters at the input and output and compare them with the display or parameters from the controllers. We perform calibration if there are deviations.
4. Testing the UPS ??
The main section is battery testing. The most effective way is to perform a test discharge of the entire array on the current or test load and measure the parameters of each battery during discharge. During such discharges, the temperature of the batteries and contacts is also measured.
5. Dedusting and broaching of contacts. ??
The most effective way to check whether a lift is needed is to perform a load test through this contact and measure its temperature. De-dusting is best done with the help of blower.