What is the problem? Time and effort? Ideas or Execution?
Some of you may know I have a hobby. I make furniture. Usually it is useful, functional items for my house. For my latest summer project, I just can’t get started. I believe I am overthinking the problem instead of putting my plan into motion. Perhaps this is the issue. The problem is not in the design but in the execution. I haven’t executed anything. I am still thinking about the design.
Some of the best plans ever discussed never made it to the implementation stage because we spent so much time tinkering with the design, we forgot the implementation and execution. Maybe it is because we put no internal deadline on ourselves.
In our business, things that are not condition critical are very easy to put off until some later date. Situations with deadlines are not. So, maybe on everything we do, we have to give ourselves a deadline...A non flexible, internal deadline to keep us on point and on task.
Sometimes we just have to put ourselves in motion. Back to beginner basic physics; objects in motion tend to stay in motion and objects at rest tend to stay at rest. Rest is comfortable and nonthreatening. As long as nothing is in motion, nothing needs to be done, but once something is started, it is basic human nature, at least mine, to get it to a point of completion, or at least functionality.
Make a plan, for sure. But, set it in motion; to create action on your part. Failure to set the plan in motion leads to tinkering and inaction. I believe I have a good design for my project. I have thought it through and weighed the pros and cons of each potential design. I believe all of them to be functional and serviceable.
So why haven't I started? Think about why you haven't started all the things you have on your plate. There are 101 reasons we use to justify our inaction. Sometimes is comes down to “it just sounds like more work.” Make your plans, check your designs, look for flaws, eliminate them, and while you are jettisoning flaws, jettison the thoughts of procrastination.
I had no idea you made furniture?!? I'll take a new kitchen farm table please! :)