What is Problem-Solving? Why is it such a hot topic these days?
Problem-solving is the ability to identify and address challenges effectively. It’s a multi-step process that involves critical thinking, creativity, and resilience.
So whenever you hear of this term, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? let me guess! How to fix a broken thing Right?
Let’s shift the focus to a 9-year-old kid attending his school daily, attending every class, doing homework, and being a good student. One thing to ponder is:
when you list down answers to all these questions, you can figure out what next steps you should take to build problem-solving skills in your kids.
Well! this is all just one part of the tip of the iceberg. But here is a good news for you. You can adapt to certain methods or activities to promote such skills. A research paper published in the National Institutes of Health (link of research paper) even highlights the link between problem-solving skills and cognitive development in young children.
So, how can you, as a parent, shift your mindset?
Now let’s get practical! Here are some of the ways you can develop problem-solving skills in your kids
Remember the key is to have fun while you’re teaching these concepts
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