What Problem?
What Problem?
(#184 from Suffer Well Devotional Series?)
But Yahweh is my defense, and my Mighty One the rock of my refuge, and brings back on them their own wickedness, and cuts them off in their own wrongdoing; Yahweh our Mighty One does cut them off. (Psalm 94:22-23)
This is another of My many comforting promises made to strengthen and encourage you. However, I have one provocative question I wish to ask you about this: “Do you believe Me?” And before your “knee-jerk response,” in My love and compassion, let Me give you a hint:
“I Am not a man that I should lie, nor a son of man that I should repent. Have I said, and will I not do? Or have I spoken, and will I not make it good?” (Numbers 23:19)
Don’t answer Me so quickly; I may choose to hold you to your answer. Yes I, who test your heart and your words, may just reveal you to yourself today. I might just expose the truth about the quality of faith you have in Me!
Let's walk through it together and find out if you believe Me. Simply respond yes or no:
Am I your refuge?
Am I your sheltering rock?
Did I say I would brings back on your enemies their own wickedness?
Did I say I would cut them off in their own wrongdoing?
Am I Yahweh your Mighty one?
Yes or no?
Based on My promises, all your answers should be “yes!” Now I ask you again, “Do you believe My words?” Listen to Me child; I already know. Others know as well. Your attitude, your anxiety, your lack of joy, and your lack of rejoicing, all speak so loudly that your words mean very little.
Now quiet yourself and listen to Me. First, I want to tell you again, I know. I sent My Son for this very reason. You needed the help. You needed the Spirit. You needed new life. Yes, I know in your flesh you cannot do it; and I know that wrestling the flesh is a part of the process. Second, I know you feel bad that you don’t trust Me as much as you want to. I know that the double-mindedness disturbs your soul. I need you to step over. Leave everything behind to do one thing; trust My words! Take the risk! Step to Me all the way. Don’t look back, don’t look down. Look straight ahead and step. I promise you I Am here. I promise you will not fall. I promise you will see all that I have said is true, and it’s time. I Am Abba and I Am calling you child.
Come home. Come now!