What are the pro and cons of Australian vs Canadian PR visa?

What are the pro and cons of Australian vs Canadian PR visa?


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If you are looking to migrate, chances are you are considering Canada and Australia – two of the most popular destinations. Both countries offer a high quality of life and standard of living. They both also employ a points-based immigration system.

To make your decision a little easier we compare the two on the following important parameters:

Job opportunities:

Both the countries rely on mining and natural resources and hence have the best paid jobs in their stride for immigrants. There are some jobs that are better in one country than in the other – for example, opportunities for nurses are better in Canada than in Australia.

Canada is a much bigger manufacturing base as compared to Australia, while Australia is more widely popular for its US IT firms and their regional Head-Quarters.

So, blue collar wages are better in Canada, whereas white collar jobs pay more in Australia.

Cost of living:

The cost of living is very high in Australia due to its housing taxes. Housing in Canada is far more affordable at the moment when compared to Australia. Regular living expenses also tend to be higher in Australia that they are in Canada.

Both in Australia and in Canada, taxes are the main cost residents have to bear.


Australia as well as Canada have a widely diverse population, but with different ethnicity factors. Canada has a dominant Chinese, Indian, Sri Lankan, Jamaican base and a notably increasing number of Middle Eastern populations.

Australia, on the other hand, has a more diverse population, with Indonesian, Thai and Lebanese as the dominant communities, and small Central or South American communities.

Ease of application:

Typically, the visa application process for Canada is easier, despite the recent emphasis on having fluency in English or French. While both function on a points-based process and have a preferred skills list, Canada does have far fewer visa sub-classes and less stringent visa application assessments.

Permanent residency:

Gaining permanent residency for Australia or Canada is all based on eligibility and factors that affect the immigrant’s future prospects within the country such as field of expertise, work experience, references and relations in the country.

A helpful resource on what the requirements for Australia are, straight from the Australian government website: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/#

Details on what are requirements for Canada are, straight from the Canadian government: www.cic.gc.ca/ctc-vac/getting-started.asp

  1. The first difference is on the assessment of skills in the both the countries. In Australia, skilled migration must have their qualifications and work experience officially assessed before applying to migrate while in Canada, only qualification are assessed.
  2. Although one can have advantage of an early assessment process in Canada, it is advisory only. In Australia the assessment is applicable in all states and territories whereas in Canada formal acceptance of a qualification in one state does not imply that it would have acceptance in another. It requires multiple acceptances if the migrant intends to move in to different place. This is an added advantage in Australia.
  3. Education is freely available as are all health services. Both countries operate on a very similar free public health system. Anything that is an emergency will be treated immediately and anything that is considered non essential or elective will go on a waiting list.

It goes without saying that one who gets the access to Australia gets an access to New Zealand as well. Canada is also called as world capital when it comes to immigration with maximum attraction towards Ontario and Quebec and Vancouver. The country has much popularity in India.

  1. There is also a difference when it comes to labor force participation rate. In Australia, a higher migrant participation rate often leads to a higher employment rate where as in Canada the higher migrant participation rate is closely associated with a higher unemployment rate.
  2. When it comes to social security benefits, one has to wait for two years in Australia while one gets immediate access to this facility in Canada.
  3. Australia is considered highly competitive while Canada is believed to be a family oriented and community minded.
  4. Australia and Canada are both very similar in lifestyles and the type of people you will meet. Australia is no more racist than anywhere else in the world. Yes sometimes racist attacks do happen. But because they are so few and far between they often make international news. Please try to remember to not judge many by the BAD behavior of a few. Australia in general is a much laid back welcoming country, as is Canada. Job opportunities in both countries are very similar.
  5. Housing/rentals/food is a little more expensive in Australia than Canada, particularly in the major cities.
  6. Both countries have a lot to offer. One has to consider geographic location and weather in their decision.
  7. Please see Google Profiles for Canada
  8. Please see Google Profiles for Australia

I am a member of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC ID R422575) and Australian migration department has given him offshore agent id 3000526.Please visit our website www.dreamvisas.com

Call +91 7219501430 (Vasundhara - on behalf of Manoj Palwe)


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