What the priorities of the new government should be for Education finance and funding.
Graham Young, CFO - All Saints Catholic Academy Trust

What the priorities of the new government should be for Education finance and funding.

The priorities of the new government regarding education finance and funding should focus on creating an equitable, high-quality education system that is accessible to all pupils. Here are some of the key priorities that should be considered:

Increased Funding for Education

Primarily, the priority must be to ensure that all schools have sufficient funding to provide quality education. The current recruitment crisis may mean that teaching and support staff salaries need to increase to attract and retain high-quality educators. However, it is imperative that schools are given adequate resources to fund this.

Additionally, we need to return to a system of medium-term funding and pay award settlements to support schools/Trusts with more effective longer term financial planning.

Equitable Distribution of Resources

The National Funding Formula has been promising for some time a move to rebalance the funding system and move to a more needs-based funding with resources directed to where they are most needed. However, we remain in a state of flux with the full implementation of this not yet achieved. In addition, the number of additional grants that sit outside of core schools funding needs to change to simplify the allocation of resources and ensure that we have a simplified, fully transparent funding mechanism.

The new government needs to review targeted support for vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils to address the fact that the value of pupil premium funding has fallen in real terms since 2015 and to ensure that schools are able to narrow the disadvantage gap.

SEND Funding Challenges

The SEND Funding system is in crisis and there is simply not enough money to keep up with the unprecedented increase in demand that we are seeing across all schools. SEND funding needs to be reviewed to create a fairer system with SEND education resourced properly. Funding needs to be reflective of current needs and able to meet the aspirations of the SEND Review. More investment is needed in effective infrastructure with increased access to therapists, specialist staffing, intervention programmes, plus regular and extensive development and training for those staff working in SEND education.

Further investment in Early Years education is vital to expand access to high-quality affordable nursery education to enable early learning and development to ensure that all children are prepared for school and that children with SEND are identified earlier.

Capital Investment

There has been a historical decline in capital spending on education with Capital funding allocations from government more than 40% below government-assessed levels of need in recent years. Generally, the condition of school buildings is deteriorating, with many requiring significant reconstruction or refurbishment, but sufficient funding is not available from central government to address this.

Capital investment must be a priority to modernise school facilities and upgrade outdated school buildings and classrooms in order to provide a safe and positive learning environment.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Schools and colleges play a key role in promoting and supporting the positive mental health and wellbeing of pupils and students.? However, commissioning local services is a challenge and there is a lack of funding to provide adequate mental health provision in schools. There is a need to increase funding for school-based mental health services, including counsellors and psychologists and the development of Wellness programmes that promote the overall well-being of pupils.

