What will be the price trend of cardamom? || Commodity Ke Maharathi || EP - 34
Origo Commodities India Pvt Ltd
Origo Commodities, a leading Agri Fin-Tech company focused on Commodity Supply Chain, Trade & Finance.
According to the second advance estimate of sowing and production of horticultural crops of the Ministry of Agriculture, the production of cardamom in the country is estimated to be 27,000 metric tonnes in 2021-22, which is lower than in 2020-21. The production of cardamom in 2020-21 was 34,000 metric tonnes...The government had earlier released an estimate of 26,000 metric tonnes of cardamom production in the advance estimate. On the other hand, if we talk about sowing, then the area under cardamom is estimated to increase in 2021-22.?Cardamom is estimated to be sown in 86,000 hectares in 2021-22, while 85,000 hectares were sown in 2020-21.?