What is Power BI?
Wyn Hopkins
Leading a team that solves data challenges for companies and people Power BI | Excel | Fabric | Solver Budgeting & Consolidation. Control costs, reduce risk and assist growth Microsoft MVP ??5 Million+ YouTube views
This is a plain speaking demonstration of the key basics of Power BI Desktop and the Power BI.com "service".
I often find that Power BI is presented using IT industry jargon terms or in too much detail (or too little) to get a sense of what it's about.
A 2-3 day course in Power BI will give you a good understanding of the key features and best practices so this 20 minute video is just an overview to give you a sense of what Power BI is.
Open YouTube and subscribe: https://youtu.be/2rw133X6zjY
For an end user guide see my video here
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