What Possibilities Are You Missing?
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What Possibilities Are You Missing?

Do you hear the locusts?

Many of us have learned – and learned well – how to “tune” out much of life and focus only on that which aligns with how we currently live. Some listen to loud music while jogging in the early morning. I passed one of those individuals and heard the sound from across the street while walking the morning I penned this.?

Many of us tune out to a lot – our bodies – sounds of nature that remind us we share our being – the ideas that are ready to reveal themselves to us should we be available to listen and receive – are just a few.

We can miss what is truly important.

We can miss that still, small voice that is our guidance. It is usually a “quiet” feeling; we must be sensitive to it. Most are not listening.?

Those who are called leaders in organizations can be tuning out to signals in the environment or from others in the organization or that idea that can take the organization in the direction you truly desire.?

As individuals leading our lives, we might realize that we continue to focus on the same things in the same way and tune out everything that isn’t our norm. We have the same conversations and engage in the same activities, for example.?

We may well be missing a lot, i.e., missing possibilities we can’t “see” due to our focus and tuning out.?

By focus I mean where we place our attention. Our beliefs are the motivators of the focus.

If we desire something to be different in our lives, expanding our focus is essential. Otherwise, everything remains within the narrow boundaries of our current focus and the belief system about ourselves and life that fuels it.?

Where can we begin to open our focus?

Most of us have identified with a body that we believe is finite and limited. As a result, we unwittingly then perceive what is possible in our lives, organizations and the world as also limited and finite. That informs our focus.

Then we live our lives and lead our organizations that way. Bound. Limited.?

Yet as we know ourselves as one-with-everything, i.e., our essential nondual* nature, and stop identifying with our beliefs about limitation and finiteness, we can open to possibilities that we can't see or hear or receive as long as we believe we are limited.?

The old cliché is worth mentioning here: I will believe it when I see it … or I'll see it when I believe it.

Usually what happens when we apply the second part of that cliché is that we try to change our current beliefs within the paradigm of an outdated understanding of the Universe. The outdated understanding is based on the work of Isaac Newton that said the Universe is made of matter and energy and that they are separate and distinct. What we now know from Quantum Physics (which wisdom teachers have been telling us for thousands of years) is that the Universe consists only of energy. This is mind-boggling when first realized, but IMHO it’s time for us to acknowledge and live aligned with what we know about reality.?

I don’t know about you, but I have tried to “change” things in my life in a way that would expand my experience and results. Yet the beliefs of limitation I had, of which I was not aware until I came upon nondual* teachings and verified by Quantum Physics, kept me constricted and restricted in ways that aligned with those beliefs about who and what I am: a limited, finite being.?

It was like being in an invisible jail cell that I was trying to break free from, but I couldn’t “get out” until I dissolved the cell.

We must expand our beliefs about ourselves to realize possibilities beyond what we can see or know now. If our beliefs align with limitation, we will stay within the narrowness of that. If we want new possibilities in our lives and organizations, then we must first expand our capacity by examining our beliefs that keep us limited and unable to “see” the new possibilities.

Right now, you can test this belief that your body is limited and finite. First look at your body. You see edges. In a moment you can close your eyes and be your own scientific explorer. You can set aside your memory of your body and without using that memory allow yourself to experience your being. Without a memory you can find no edges to your body. No edges. You can experience the oneness you are with everything. You are the Universe. All of it. You are one with the energy that is the Universe. Now, close your eyes and allow yourself to experience that oneness. Right now.?

If you want you can remember this exercise, do it until it “sinks in” and remind yourself YOU are not limited by your identification with your body.?

You can open your focus as offered here. Take off the headset if that applies to you. Allow yourself to connect with and experience the magnificence of life around you. Open your seeing, hearing, sensing. Remove the blinders as you do so. More ideas and possibilities will come to you to help you live the life you are truly here to live and express what you are truly here to express.?

You can access the greater intelligence of the Universe.

By “living the life you are here to live” I don't necessarily mean that any of the situational elements of your life will change. They may. May not. But who you are in your life as you live it will be the who-you-truly-are in those situations.?

As you relate to yourself, others and the world as the Onebeing you are you naturally change in ways that align with your essential nature.?

Are you ready?


1.?????You are not limited and finite, but one with the Infinite Universe and that greater intelligence.?

2.?????Most of us have identified with a body that we believe is finite and limited.

3.?????Explore for yourself that you are not the limitations of your body by experiencing with your eyes closed and setting your memory aside that you are One-with-all-that-is.

4.?????Remind yourself that who you truly are is One-with-all-that-is.

5.?????Listen for the locusts.

* Nonduality is the realization that although we seem to experience a separation between ourselves and other people, animals, nature and objects, that there is a single reality, a relatedness, infinite and indivisible, the nature of which is pure Awareness, or Consciousness, Divine Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, the Universe or Source, and that the existence of all people, animals, nature and objects originates from this Source.


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