What positives can possibly be derived from the Covid-19 pandemic?
Covid-19 Pandemic - The Days the Earth Stood Still

What positives can possibly be derived from the Covid-19 pandemic?

There is no question about it, the Covid-19 is likely to ruin a lot of holiday plans this year, and yeah you might not be going to that Taylor Swift concert that you've been looking so much forward to. You feel bored, you are now told to work from home, confined indefinitely and you will probably run out of toilet paper soon and the Covid-19 panic is making you a future cast member of The Walking Dead Season 11. Well, welcome to the club called "The Majority Mindset".

So what to do differently then? First of all, stop being reactive, and start being proactive. It is human nature to go into panic mode and only talk about the negatives and how much worse the pandemic can get, vice versa.

The Covid-19 is a horrible pandemic, but we've been living as human beings with a much more disastrous pandemic called "The Negativity Bias" in our DNA our whole life. The negativity bias isn't something I just made up, it's actual science in social psychology. It's definition is that something very positive will generally have less of an impact on a person's behavior and cognition than something equally emotional but negative. Not convinced yet? - Think of the most unfortunate thing that happened to you in 2019. Easy right..? - Now think of the most positive and fortunate thing that happened to you in 2019 -not that easy huh? There you go.

I am not saying the Covid-19 pandemic isn't that serious or harmful, because it is and it has already caused greater losses than previously predicted. I am basically imposing the fact that it can cause way more damage to society and our minds than necessary. If we keep reading the kind of news only highlighting the number of deaths, and the number of lock-downs, we won't get any farther away from the negativity bias, and therefore - zero improvement and zero development.

What we should read about is how to contain the virus, following the instructions from the governments and WHO. And additionally use our brains and not our social media remote controlled lizard brain (Limbic System). And you guessed it, the limbic system in our brains is exactly where the negativity bias lives and thrives in humans. So go into "help" mode and look for solutions and improvements.

So how do we create something positive alongside all the negatives derived from the Covid-19 pandemic?

In addition to taking greater care of ourselves and our personal hygiene in order to protect everyone from spreading the deadly virus, we can do a lot more. I encourage people to realize that this is the moment to help others and eventually help ourselves and live through this period more fulfilled. Those of you who are now confined to your homes try the following as a start, and see how that makes you feel:

  1. Connect with long lost friends or catch up with those very meaningful people that you haven't caught up with for too long due to your oh so busy lifestyle. Abraham Maslow would shake his head and place the needs most dear to you in the top of his pyramid (sounds good..- yes... In reality....- not so much).
  2. Help your neighbors, yes - the elderly couple living next door that you have never given any attention. Help them with their garden, take out the trash, clean their windows or just write them a letter saying:

"Dear Neighbor, we want you to know that if you need any help no matter what it may be, we are here to help, groceries, whatever."

- We might just be the people on your left but we will always have your back!

  1. You have more time now as you don't need to commute to work these days. Read books and develop yourself by developing your perspective on life and your rationale, that will in return help the world (if you want to read Harry Potter, whatever makes you happy). If you need recommendations, PM me. But before you PM me, then Google Jordan B. Peterson "12 Rules for Life" - An Antidote to Chaos, that will without a doubt be the most positive thing you've done for yourself in a year.
  2. Walk long walks with your kids. Walk the talk. Take your kids for a walk, let them ask you questions, talk to them about life and about their dreams- and what they want to do in 2020. Read them new bedtime stories, bring the mattresses into the living room, build a cave and watch movies together. Kids are like sponges to compassion and love, the more you listen to them the more they will listen to the world when they grow up.
  3. Talk with your friends about what you can do to create positive actions and fortunate events for the less fortunate in your community. Talk about the positives, and not the negatives. Don't spread fear but develop hope and compassion. Start uplifting chats and talks and bring people back up on their feet. Ask for help and help those asking you.
  4. If you happen to be a "Manager" then this is your moment of becoming a leader. Talk with your employees on the phone, I don't care if you have 30 subordinates to call, just do it, and mean it. 30 x 2 minutes = 1 hour/day. Those 2 minutes will show them that you care about them and that you listen. Believe me, you will meet them the first day at work after lock-down and they will feel more safe and heard. Be the leader you wished you had!
  5. If you happen to know a healthcare worker fighting the Covid-19 every single hour, you might want to call them and ask them if they need help at home or with their kids. Reach out to the ones working their butts off these days fighting the pandemic. If they have their birthday during these busy days, then arrange a surprise party for them with the rest of the neighborhood to celebrate them on the other side of this pandemic. Don't think outside of the box, but simply just forget the box.
  6. If you do positive, helpful- and compassionate things in a time where the most likely reaction would be negative, then you have beaten the negativity bias and created the positivity bias. On top of that, doing these things are proactive as they are not expected. They were expected in the 1950'ies but not in 2020. So be cool, and go old school!

3 years from now you will look back on the Covid-19 pandemic and say:

"That pandemic was awful and so many innocent people lost their lives. Despite the horrible time I did my best to help my community, my friends and my family with positive interaction during a very sad time in human history. Those moments are a part of me now and I will always be grateful for that."


Take care of the World and it will take care of you <3

#COVID19 #CoronaVirus #Covid19Pandemic


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