What the poor have that the rich don't
When we consider the fact that the rich leads to luxurious life this can often lead us to thinking that we have a worst case scenario for a lot of things, however I do feel that this is a completely different attitude to what is actually the case. in reality what we truly see is the division between things.
what people in a lower income Tend To Be more likely to do, is appreciate with less. now this mentality has been a part of this localization for a while now, however I feel that this concept is very important to understand. I've had my fair share of mentality and experiencing the appreciation of something but the appreciation of less is more.
having the appreciation to simply have clothing, or having the appreciation to have a safe home is such a different mindset to when someone has got a mantion, and exist in a state of luxury.
in a sense we are at the advantage as we can learn from the difficulties that we face. I feel that everyone is afraid to say the m word, as it's a very challenging topic for many people, and in all honesty it's a very difficult concept to deal with in terms of morals. however what we can understand from the psychological standpoint of things, is that if we grow up in a poorer position, we end up with a richer mindset. and ultimately that will mean that people will be more intertwined in to our lives in a much deeper way.
you may not be able to afford a luxurious meal, according to you. however the concept of luxury can be expanded. What we truly define as luxury can go so far as to say meaningful, in a sense this adds to the depth of what is luxury? in a sense it's about how we perceive it.
not everyone is going to have the same mentality as another and some people do want the nice things in life. and for that I would like to remind them that it's okay to feel that way. however you shouldn't fixate on this ordeal. I have lived in a life where I have not been able to be as creative as I have been previously but through that struggle I have been able to understand and learn, how to manage things how to understand my greatest self; and it has allowed me to grow much more because I experienced less.
and I hope that I am on the right radar for people. or if someone is rich, but they have worked up for it, I genuinely do think that they have the absolute right to say that they are happy where they are. for me the problem comes from the fact that when people are born into these conditions. when they don't have that internal struggle for something and when they don't initially have that mindset of not always getting the right way.
this is a critical part of maintaining your personal growth and it goes so far as to allow your creativity to flow better. in fact I'd go so far as to say that one of the main reasons that some people work better as a result is for this reason. I'd go so far as to say that owning less or not being able to get what you want at every waking moment, is more powerful than being able to access everything that you can from the start.
and here's why.
according to multiple studies, there's intrinsic motivation in someone. if I worked hard for an industry in 30 years and I saved up for a PC that I have been working on saving up for for years, it would feel like a massive achievement for me. it's a gift to me that I have been saving up for in this scenario. however if all of the money is already there then that sense of achievement and accomplishment in the same way is taken away or at least diminished in some way. so to expand on this one last time, the richer Communities face an issue, that poor Communities don't necessarily have.
And as a result of this we can say that we are learning from the lack of something, it is a bit of an important topic to consider as a result of the cost of living and the fact that so many news the articles seem to be so negative at the moment. So I wanted to change that for today and offer a bit of positivity into the ring. I hope that this is helped people appreciate what they have at the moment and realize that the true growth is in the fortune that you earn, and the luxury is that you earn.