What is the policy if the Sun changes its mind.

What is the policy if the Sun changes its mind.

They may be hard to see but those "Nuclear" protrusions notable at points around the sun as evidenced in this photograph of its eclipse by the Moon are the visual evidence of the Sun's fluctuating influence ON OUR WEATHER.

There is ample evidence that BOTH ENDS OF OUR AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ARE MOVED UP OR DOWN BY THE INCIDENCE OF THESE "Sun Spots" that has historically changed dramatically in the past.

For instance the 1670 to 1700 "LITTLE ICE AGE" was synonymous with a virtual absence of Sun Spots and which resulted in areas of starvation due to the freezing of farmland and rivers (to glaciers) That Sun Spots returned synonymous with the discovery of coal fired STEAM energy and the consequent "Industrial Revolution" has made it so simple for the Carbon emissions Zeroists to blame the Sun Spot's return with ambient temperature increases ENTIRELY ON THE INDUSTRY RELATED CO2 INCREASES.

There is however the fact that going well back in history when records were few that atmospheric CO2 was at 0.15% (1500ppm) compared to today's 0.04% (414ppm) which just by the way is declared by Agricultural Scientists as a near RECORD LOW FOR PLANT GROWTH.

Today we are told that some "very annoying" heavy rainfall has fallen through the UAE and in particular Doha Airport which due to a complete absence of related drainage infrastructure was flooded sufficient to prevent the movement of 270 scheduled flights. But then no one has taken to account that the regions massive subsoil Fossil fuels result from the decomposition of the massive plant growth that once existed there AND JUST MIGHT BE RETURNING SHOULD THE SUN COOPERATE OR OCEANS WARM, MAYBE DUE TO INCREASED CO2 EMISSIONS with regular rainfall. Which by the way was not the case when CO2 stood at 1500ppm. But how lucky that desert region might be were such rainfall to become the NORM that it must once have been.

But during the Zero emission debate just what are the politicians and Activists plans for another SUN SPOTS STRIKE after having closed down the fossil fuel resource and starved plant life of the CO2 it requires to grow our food and SNOW COVERS THEIR SOLAR PANELS THAT ARE ALSO DEVOID OF THE SUNS (nuclear) energy. Like I mean where Doha Airport can fix its drains but how does it or the rest of the world deal with an ICE AGE.


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