At What Point Does the Interest Rate Hike End?
David Olarinoye
7+ years working remotely | Marketing Director | Organic Growth Strategist
Too many people are asking this question. They are indirectly asking when things will go back to normal and can do the stuff they are used to doing. Well, I have good news and bad news.
First, the Bad News
Since the beginning of this economic turmoil, I have said that it was going to be a long problem. The trend of the interest rate hikes will not end any time soon. And it is common sense.
The reason central banks are justifying the interest rate hike is inflation. Has inflation subsided? Nope. It is still very far from the 2% target.
And central banks have made it clear that the only tool they have to fight inflation is rate hikes. So, what do you expect?
If you ask any central bank to choose between rate hikes (plus recession) and hyperinflation, they will gladly pick rate hikes and recession.
For those who think the idea of hyperinflation is bogus, just look at the surging inflation for the last couple of months. The central bankers know that it won't go down by itself.
The Good News
First, let's answer the main question - when will the rate hikes end? When inflation goes back to 2%? Nope. The question you should be asking is this - what data is the central bank looking at?
Some say it is the unemployment data. Some say it is the labor participation rate. Some say it is the wage data. But I disagree. I think the Fed is looking at CPI.
Until the CPI clearly states that the costs of goods and services are stable or falling, the central banks will not stop the hiking mood. Some say they will over-hike. But J. Powell, chairman of the Fed (in the US) has made it clear that it is better to over-hike than to under-hike.
You know what that means. So, where is the good news in all of this? It is still easy to make a lot of money. It is still easy to strike gold and hit super-rich wealth.
Many people are struggling today because they are still trying to make a lot of money (as in revenue and profits), the way they have done it in previous phases of the economic cycle. That won't work.
When the economic cycle changes, the path to big money changes. If you run a product company and you have not released a new product to the market in the last 6 months, you are doing it wrong.
You may be thinking, "Oh, there is a recession. People aren't buying as much. Consumer spending has dropped". True. But this is the period people are more willing to try new things.
If you release a new product and you create a strong marketing campaign with a compelling argument that people are saving money when they buy the new stuff, such things thrive in this era.
There is a consolidation of spending around fewer goods and services in this kind of economic landscape
This is not the time to release a $3500 Vision Pro kind of stuff. Even Apple is not expecting iPhone buyers to buy the VR headset. At least for now. Listen to your customers.
What are they clamoring for? This is the time consumer choices change. There is no better time to enter the market with something that satisfies a want (or need) and is clearly affordable.
Now, the variations are different for different industries. For example, the affordable luxury industry is still experiencing a boom. Even luxury is still booming. People want to look like they are doing fine outwardly.
Your business might actually make money renting what people usually buy. Or maybe sell a subscription to what people need to buy. This is actually a great time for new ideas.
The good news is that you can make huge revenue and profit by introducing a new product and changing your pricing model
But you have to be careful if you decide to do both.
If you want me to help your business via consultation on these things, send me a DM. Cheers.