What point democracy if all we vote for is another #fubar?
Iain Macauley
Mainly journalist; occasional crisis, reputation and Public Affairs project consultant. Comments here are my personal views.
Recent political years have the feel of the "we can now tell you" reporting at the conclusion of a big court case, the bit when journalists are let loose to reveal material that could only be put in the public domain after the conclusion of the judicial process.
I engaged in a bit of a rumbling-on debate with a close circle of friends and colleagues on the #generalelection this past few days; not for who to vote - whether #conservatives, #labourparty, #libdems, #reformuk or any of some of the potentially more population-micro-representative independents - but whether there was any point in voting at all.
What I took from this closed-circle debate was an apparent view that you and I have as little chance of making a vote work for ourselves and what we want as we would of single-handedly swimming up to the bow of a #channelferry and making it change direction. No wonder there's so many undecideds.
Since the election was called in May it's just been noise. It says a great deal that the screw-ups have made more headlines than manifesto and policy announcements and pledges (except the memorable clearly daft ones).
How many times have largely well-meaning but not-completely-in-control party leaders and straight-up colleagues woken to #FFS stories this past few weeks?? Hardly #siralexferguson or #maggiethathcer iron grip, credibility and authority. More #herdingcats.
For those reasons, every over-enthused declaration or promise, primarily from the main parties, has died at the sword of credibility almost the instant it was born. Few believe a word of ?Big #Tory Announcements (#covid partying denials, #gambling issues, questionable #PPE supply deals, #HS2, the small boats...), equally few can bring themselves to believe #labour (fewer faux pas, but they have no modern-day-relevant experience, yet, and as for the bear-traps difference of being in power....). The #liberaldemocrats, while identifying their good for a laugh niche, have a bit more cred behind their pledges, but are unlikely to have much influence despite common-sense, in-touch ideas. Reform UK? After a brief spike shot themselves in the foot. Several times.
But regardless of party colour, the past few weeks has been little more than translucent, unashamed, desperate, unsubstantiated vituperative finger-pointing, question-ducking, future-claiming which has caused the worst self-entitled and self-interested politicians and advisers to infect the best - and by best I mean the minority who, when they open their mouths, have (a) immediately previously engaged brain and (b) are genuinely concerned about somebody other than themselves.
There's nigh-on 50,000,000 registered voters, each with a unique set of wants and needs. Many of us are also responsible for the futures of hyper-aware pre-voting-age offspring who are furious at their lack of influence upon their futures.
I straw-polled my debate circle, asking what really mattered to them, and what they'd want to see change. In no particular order: deal with potholes, shoplifting, footballers' salaries, getting through passport control in Europe, come clean about #brexit failings, block stupid decisions spooking the #financialmarkets, sort the NHS.
As a follow-up, I asked which of those would actually get definitively tackled. Sorting the NHS emerged, but only with a qualified accompanying "meh....I'll believe it when I see it". One of the circle summarised: "It's all beyond the Tories, and #Starmer's lot have yet to find out not just what a bag of washing they've inherited, but how many more there are stuffed in the back of filing cabinets."
I know there have been huge sacrifices along the way to today's freedom and democracy,? but this election is a foregone conclusion, and #ukgeneralelection2024 could be as pivotal as any of the momentous historical steps towards that oft-quoted freedom and democracy, a process that started back in 1832 and finally arrived in current-day form in 1969.
But what point freedom and democracy if we're just voting for the next round of #fubar?
British politics needs a forest fire and a reset. The next Government, no matter what its form, needs to be held accountable for every last word like never before.
We're established as a nation which is largely free and democratic. But those three words need a successor phrase: #truthandintegrity.
And regardless of who's next in #Number10, in decades to come #election2024 needs to have been seen as nothing less than seismic. And, for once, in a positive sense.
When #rylanclark said he'd love to go into politics and replace the party system with a "Power Rangers of government model" there was chortling. Until you think about it: the best available, in the role best-suited, to best serve.
Nah, too much like common sense.