what Planetary Combinations makes Albert Einstein a Genius...

what Planetary Combinations makes Albert Einstein a Genius...

In Vedic astrology planets are often found in different states of strengths and weaknesses. Some planets are in friendly houses, some in enemy houses, some in houses where they are most powerful or exalted, and some are in houses where they are least powerful or debilitated.

A debilitated planet is a cause of worry in Vedic Astrology and is given special attention by an astrologer. Albert Einstein, the famous physicist, also had a debilitated planet in his horoscope and it was none other than Mercury, his ascendant lord.

Mercury in Vedic Astrology rules a great number of things but primarily intellect, education, teaching, learning, science, philosophy, mathematics. A debilitated Mercury should have deprived Einstein of having to do anything with these domains in life, but it is well known that he was the fortunate with regard to all these matters, and is considered the greatest scientist of all time.

Moreover, in Einstein’s chart, shown below, Mercury is the lord of the first house, which governs fame, as well as the lord of the fourth house, which rules knowledge and education, but Einstein became famous just because of his education and knowledge.

A debilitated planet should give so much to a person is because his Mercury, which is located in the tenth house is conjunct an exalted Venus. This has given Mercury cancellation of debilitation, causing Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.

However, Einstein also has Sun posited in his tenth house which gets digbala there, and Saturn which is the ninth lord. Saturn plays a very important role in the charts of scientists as it is the significator of the eighth house, which denotes research, and in Einstein’s case it is also the eighth lord. Besides, Saturn in Einstein’s chart is also in Parivartana with Jupiter, the tenth lord, and is causing the most powerful raja yoga called Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga.

A debilitated planet however is not without its bad effects. It is well known that Einstein had communication problems as a toddler. Mercury rules over communication and till the age of 10, Einstein was also going through the Mercury mahadasha. Einstein also had to leave his homeland and permanently migrate to the United States. In fact the German government had even announced a bounty on his head and his name was on a list of most wanted criminals. This trouble from homeland happened because Mercury is also the lord of the fourth house, which rules over residence, home, etc.

Einstein’s Mercury is thus giving both positive and negative effects. Tenth lord Jupiter is aspecting the first house, hence the first house is rendered strong, but Saturn and Sun, two natural malefics, aspecting the fourth house from the tenth have rendered the fourth house weak.

A debilitated planet thus can give both good and bad effects, depending on its lordship, placement, and the aspects it receives from other planets. A careful analysis is required to judge debilitated planets. They are not always good or always bad.


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