What is Plan Zero?
As the UK’s largest facilities management (FM) company, Mitie has long acknowledged its responsibility towards people, communities and the environment.
After all, achieving ‘The exceptional every day’ influences everything we do, including our approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the delivery of efficient, sustainable solutions for clients.
Plan Zero has been designed to introduce Mitie’s commitment to sustainability, together with corresponding solutions we can deliver for clients. Our pledge to reach net zero carbon by 2025 demonstrates Mitie’s dedication to become the UK’s FM leader in sustainability, not only working to achieve its own challenging goals, but partnering organisations wishing to do the same.
Plan Zero offers a fully flexible, end-to-end process. Regardless of whether an organisation’s sustainability strategy is well advanced or otherwise, our Plan Zero Playbook outlines Mitie’s approach to support, instruct and deliver bespoke sustainable solutions that set us and our clients apart.
The message that we all must act to secure the future of our planet by reaching net zero carbon is getting through. With Plan Zero, Mitie is proud to be making it happen.
The Plan Zero A to E process
The Plan Zero process has five distinct stages. Each stage involves key actions and deliverables that inform and propel the next, and so on.
Understand and evaluate current status and calibrate stakeholder teams.
Baselining and Targeting
Compare against industry norms, set targets and create a comprehensive strategy to meet them.
Compliance and Certification
Ensure compliance to latest regulations and attain certification where possible.
Develop a practical plan, complete with detailed funding proposals, to achieve targets and where possible, deliver zero carbon at zero cost.
Execute the Plan Zero strategy to achieve net zero, deliver CapEx/Opex, elevate ESG, and remove costs.
Mitie is saving its customers serious money.
By optimising energy consumption and procurement, and implementing intelligent monitoring systems, Mitie has saved its customers:
£19m in FY20/21.
353,000 tCo2e - equivalent to the power output of 370,000 homes.
90% of Waste is reused, recycled or recovered.
500+ carbon and waste management experts within the business.
2800+ energy surveys delivered in FY20.
Learn more by downloading our Plan Zero Playbook here: www.planzerocarbon.com
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