What Plan for Easter?
Easter Plans?

What Plan for Easter?

Easter is just around the corner, you feel it in the air!

Good Friday will be on 15th April 2022, Easter Monday on 18th April 2022.

This has always been a good time to relax and unwind, buddy.

Easter Holiday is an appropriate time to be with your family and loved ones.There is so much that you can do together for fun and for memories.Its important that you plan early how you would love to spend the Holiday.

Also read (https://gospellightsociety.com/glmx/how-you-and-i-benefit-from-easter) the Benefits of Easter.

Do you want to Travel upcountry?

Do you desire to visit a recreational place with your family?

Have you been invited as a guest over the Easter?

What other Plan do you have?

Or do you want to spend more time at home with your family?If you fall in this last Category, then here below are some Movies that you can consider to Catch.

·????????The Greatest Story Ever Told. Movieclips Classic Trailers.

·????????Peter Rabbit. Sony Pictures Entertainment.

·????????Miss Potter.

. Movie clips Classic Trailers.

·????????Hank and Mike.

·????????Ben-Hur. Movieclips Classic Trailers.

·????????Hop Movieclips.

·????????Yogi The Easter Bear.

·????????The Last Temptation of Christ.

Are you considering having some Game time ?

Here Below are a few games your ?Whole Family Can Enjoy From The Comfort of Your Home

Easter Egg Bunny Toss.

DIY Bowling Lane.

Backyard Connect Four Game.

Bunny Bowling.

Easter Egg Advent Calendar.

Flamingo Tic-Tac-Toe.

Plastic Egg Poppers.

Easter Egg Toss.

Are you wondering what kind of gift you will buy for your loved ones and where to buy from?

Here Below is a List of Gift Shops around Nairobi City;

Gift World Kenya

Eusi Black Gift Shop

Pablo Gift Shop

Ideal gifts Kenya

Polka Dot Gift Shop Kenya


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