Peter Nelson
Economist and Fellow Chartered Accountant, as an International Financial Consultant have carried out assignments for all major international donors in many countries.
What if overnight the world could become a better place because humans no longer feared dying and all that implied? What if humans could get away from believing in some man-made Gods which, under monotheism, all had the same God but with conflicting rules? What if Jews no longer had to believe in the lie that they escaped from Egypt to wander 40 years amongst the Canaanites allegorically to somehow become God's one and only chosen people? Or what about believing in a more forgiving belief system under a Jesus promoted by the Romans basically to keep those Jews in their place, stop engaging in usury making them wealthy, and ensuring they at least pay their taxes? To then using the ideas of some illiterate warlord to arise from the desert having learned from mistakes of the past, ensuring that his alone is the final word from the same God, whatever that might be, and if you didn’t accept this ultimatum, you had to die to miss out on the rather tired out 72 virgins? How do you make this stuff up? So many questions.
OK, so humans need a God to firstly justify their existence, where secondly, they can’t seem to accept that on death it ends there. So then, on the premise of a proven fact that energy cannot be created or destroyed, humans have this inner soul-like energy that lives on beyond even though, as yet, we are unable to design its form. But we are getting nearer when we see how neuro implants can interface with AI, which can then interface with human thoughts and experience, becoming impossible to destroy.
Carry this further and away from all the historical thousands of invented man-made Gods to ask what if, for example, we all had our internal man-made God with whom we could relate to set parameters and guidance throughout life? That God could aim at all the attributes that make a good citizen and also offer that elusive answer about what came at the end of it all.
On the basis of such revelation, it would no longer terrify the Muslim Brotherhood into having to convert the global population to their religion, Christians could modify some of their concepts away from always having to forgive enemies who laugh as they think you are an idiot, and Jews would no longer need to be disliked for attesting that they are God’s one and only chosen people.
Humans must really be terrified in this day and age where we are able to read and access information showing there are in reality no talking snakes or virgin births, no one called Moses was found in the bullrushes or that for Jews and Muslims alike, men always have to cover one’s head so as not to offend that God. Over centuries, so much hate over justification on what life is really all about. Can’t people see that at the end, when you are going to die, none of your past beliefs will matter, and you won’t be part of your funeral or know if they will eventually erect statues to you? So much for believing in what you were told those Gods wanted.
Where as, what if you had incorporated your own personal God, working with this concept throughout your life to become the best person you could be? Then, in those last breaths, you can be comforted in taking your God with you for eternity in the firm scientifically acknowledged fact that energy cannot be destroyed…