What Personality Tests Should I Use to Advance My Career?
You may have noticed a current trend in hiring – employers are asking candidates to take personality tests. What’s the reasoning behind this? Companies want to know as much information as possible before bringing on a new hire, and personality tests can give some extra insight. What does that mean to you? If you want to get ahead of the curve, take the time to dive into some of these resources on your own. Learning about yourself can be a powerful tool to getting hired in a new company, growing in your current role, or even starting your own business. But which should you choose? Each offers distinct benefits and limitations.
What Personality Tests Should I Use to Advance My Career?
When it comes to self-assessment, there are many options available. Not all are equally valuable, and some are more fun than substantial. Let’s walk through some of the options that you should pursue to learn more about yourself, how you work, and how to optimize your performance.
Want to understand how you face and overcome obstacles? The Kolbe assessment offers to describe which one of four instinctive strengths and problem solving approaches you possess. It’s a great way to understand how to leverage your natural abilities in your career. Cons? It’s limited, since it focuses primarily on one aspect of an individual.?
This test isn’t really a test at all – instead, it represents a holistic view of a person’s way of seeing the world. It can be a powerful way to help someone uncover their core motivations, fears, and desires. However, it’s got a steep learning curve, and it’s more of a self-reflection tool than a scientific assessment.?
The DiSC is made for the workplace. This test groups people into four categories that assess their behavior on a team. It can be a great way to understand why you act the way you do at work, and it can offer guidance into the best role for you. However, it can be overly simplistic and ignore nuance…particularly because there are only 4 options.
This one is pretty well-known, and for good reason. Myers-Briggs offers 16 different personality types that offer insight into careers, communication styles, and personal development. However, it’s not particularly scientific, and it can be pretty stereotypical. While it can offer insights, Myers-Briggs is more for self-reflection rather than serious critique.
If you’re looking for a test that’s rooted in solid scientific evidence, the Big 5 may be the best choice. The Big 5 provides a comprehensive framework for understanding major personality traits. Like many of the others, it can be limited in scope, and it doesn’t get into the nitty gritty of career choice or advancement.?
Taking the Strengths Finder is a very positive experience – it emphasizes the good. It can be a great way to boost confidence and motivation. On the flip side, the lack of info on any weaknesses or areas for growth can leave something to be desired. In order to get a well-rounded picture, you’ll likely have to turn to other assessments, too.?
What Should You Do With the Information You’ve Gathered?
It’s critical to have a goal in mind when you begin to learn about yourself. Focus on a particular milestone you’d like to reach – whether it’s a new role, salary, or even career. Next, weigh the new information you’ve gathered with your current position. Does the insight confirm your current path, or does it indicate that you should shift priorities?
Get Assistance
Sure, you can pursue each of these tests on your own, but if you’re looking for a more comprehensive coaching experience, The Intention Collective might be your best option. We provide workshops, retreats, individualized programs, and even fractional leadership for your organization. We actively use personality tests to help our clients grow and reach their potential. We’d love to connect with you.?