What is Personal Power + 5 Ways to Start Standing in Yours.
In today's increasingly mindful world, the term "personal power" is gaining more attention. But what does it really mean, and how do you harness it?
Social media is filled with thought leaders urging us to stand in, claim, live in, or tap into our personal power. But what does that actually look like in everyday life? How do you know if you're truly standing in your personal power?
What Personal Power is NOT
Let's start by clarifying what personal power isn't. It doesn’t mean exerting control over others or situations to get what you want. It's not about manipulation, force, or domination.
Personal power is about living in alignment with your true self—your beliefs, values, and what truly matters to you. It's the recognition of your own capabilities, coupled with acceptance of who you are—the good, the bad, and the not-so-pretty. When you're standing in your power, you speak and act with authenticity, make choices that feel right to you, and commit to your own growth. Part of this commitment involves setting boundaries to protect your energy and prevent giving your power away.
How Do You Know If You’re Standing in Your Power?
Here are some signs that you might not be:
Real-Life Examples
These behaviors often stem from early conditioning, where we're taught to prioritize others' needs over our own to maintain harmony. But this programming eventually catches up with us. Living a life based on others' expectations can never be truly fulfilling.
How Can You Start Reclaiming Your Power?
Here are five steps to help you start:
1. Get Clear on What You Want and Who You Want to Be: All successful change begins with awareness. Identify what aspects of your life feel aligned and fulfilling and which don't. What do you want more of, and what do you need to let go of?
2. Commit to Brutal Honesty: None of this works if you can’t be honest with yourself about your beliefs, desires, and dreams. Facing these truths can be uncomfortable because it may require big, scary changes. But be brave—what’s on the other side is worth it.
3. Pause Before Making Decisions: Before agreeing to requests or commitments, stop and consider whether it's something you genuinely want to do or if you're just saying "yes" to please someone else. It's okay to help others, but make sure it’s a conscious choice, not a reflexive response.
4. Set Better Boundaries: Boundaries are crucial for living authentically. Learn when and how to say "no," and remove yourself from relationships or situations that require you to be someone you're not. If maintaining a relationship means sacrificing your power, it’s not worth keeping.
5. Challenge Self-Limiting Beliefs: Notice the stories you tell yourself that hold you back and start rewriting them. Replace limiting narratives with ones that empower you to live authentically.
Each day, every decision you make either reinforces your power or gives it away. Standing in your personal power might not come naturally at first, but with practice, it becomes easier—and the rewards are immense.
Ready to live big and chase your dreams? Need some extra support? Book a free 30-minute coaching call with me and let’s start putting these tips into action in your life!