What Is The Person-Centred Approach? And How Is It Applied to Learning
This article was originally published on IIEPD.com.
When it comes to learning, there’s no one-size fit all.
Everyone has their own unique way of learning. Some of the more visual learners, others are more verbal and some like to learn in a more logical way.
But while this understanding of different learning styles may have not been widely accepted in a traditional school teaching setting, we can all agree that the textbook style of teaching is not suitable for everyone.
Since people tend to learn in different ways, tailoring to these learning methods and ensuring the pace and intensity in which this development is taking place suits the individual will produce much better results than trying to fit every person into the same mould.
This is where the Person-Centered Approach comes into play. And while the Person-Centred Approach is rooted in psychotherapy, the techniques are incredibly relevant today for improving your team’s motivation which can either help them set and smash goals, and bridge the digital marketing skills gap in your business. To simply put, the Person-Centred Approach can help you and your team can learn new skills.
What Exactly Is The Person-Centred Approach?
The best way to begin to get your head around the Person-Centred Approach is to look into its history.
The Person-Centred Approach was first thought up by psychologist Dr Carl Rogers. The approach was originally created for therapy purposes, which involved moving away from the therapist controlling every aspect of the client’s recovery and wellbeing to empowering the individual to take charge of their own recovery with the therapist acting as the supporting role.
Rogers’s view on client’s recovery was a huge step away from the typical views psychotherapy at the time (1940s – 1960s), and consequently, his theory of the Person-Centred Approach were regarded as radical and progressive.
Before Rogers’ suggestion of the ‘People-Centred Approach,’ the standard process involved uncovering a subconscious motive behind a client’s actions, which would be investigated and evaluated by the therapist to determine the psychological well-being. Once the diagnosis has been made, the therapist would then decide on the next steps for the patient’s recovery.
However, Roger had a different belief. He believed it would be more effective for clients to focus on their own understanding of themselves and practice self-awareness so that they can identify the changes they need to make, with encouragement from the expert. In his own words, he believed this because:
“It is that the individual has within himself or herself vast resources for self-understanding, for altering his or her self-concept, attitudes and self-directed behaviour – and that these resources can be tapped if only a definable climate of facilitative psychological attitudes can be provided.”
Rogers also strongly believed that therapy could only be completely effective in improving the client’s condition if they followed these three core conditions:
- Congruence – Being genuine and open
- Unconditional positive regard – showing warmth and being non-judgemental
- Empathy – being understanding that
These three conditions are easier to reach with the Person-Centered Approach, as it allows both the therapist and the patient to communicate with each other better, and truly listen and understand each other.
What Are The Key Principles of The Person-Centred Approach?
As with any theory, or approach, anyone who adopts it has its own personalised version of the Person-Centred Approach. However, when it is boiled down, there are a few key principles which remain the same throughout.
1. The Individual Is Central
Regardless of whether it is a recovery plan or a development course, the key to any form of the Person-Centred Approach is to make the person the centre of everything, from beginning to end. This means that any form of plan or roadmap will be formed by them, and aided by anyone else involved.
2. Don’t Struggle Alone
While the individual is at the centre, a lot of accountability is held on their part, but this is by no means a journey that has to be made alone.
Family, friends, tutors and work colleges are all people who can assist in planning or taking part in this approach to personal development. That said, it is important to keep in mind that every individual is unique and different, so how these people who will support the individual will be different for each one.
3. The Plan Focuses on the Individual’s Current (and Future) Priorities, Capacities and Support
What makes this approach so effective is that it focuses solely on that which the person is interested in and what they are able to achieve. And they will have the right support. This, in turn, produces a realistic and achievable plan, which the individual will be excited about and ready to take part in.
4. The Plan Helps To Solidify the Person’s Place in A Team or Community
This works not only through the teamwork process involved in carrying out the development plan but by providing the individual with new skills that can be used to strengthen the team or community as an end result.
5. The Plan Is On-going, and Involves Long-Term Goals
This sets this approach apart from other methods, as it encourages the individual to think about how their current actions will impact them in the long term. This therefore gives them multiple goals to work towards.
How Does The Person-Centred Approach Impact Businesses?
While the Person-Centered Approach may have been formed for psychotherapy purposes, the approach has evolved and is now used in a variety of situations. This includes training and acquisition of new skills.
The Person-Centred Approach is a great way to improve motivation within a team, improve their skill sets, build trust within employees and understand more about their personal progression path, it is worth considering taking this approach in your own business.
One way this can be done, is directly, by organising more 1-to-1 sessions between each employee and their direct manager to discuss their personal goals and progress towards these. Alternatively, it can be done by offering more Person-Centered training or courses in areas they are focused on, such as those offered by IIEPD.
IIEPD and The Person-Centred Approach
We at IIEPD are solid believers in this approach, and have subsequently chosen to incorporate it into our teaching methods for digital marketing training and professional development.
We do this through an assortment of different mediums, including well-produced videos, in-depth handouts and personalised learning, all tailored for an experience which best suits you. Whether this is through flexible learning which allows you to learn at your own pace, without rushing or waiting around, or through valuable discussions with our highly qualified and experienced marketing tutors, it is an experience which will prove effective.
So, if your personal development plan involves improving your digital marketing knowledge to the next level, or you have a team who have set their targets to train their talents in this area, then look no further than IIEPD.
The IIEPD provide a diverse range of CPD accredited digital marketing courses, which all delivered using the person-centred approach. Unlike other digital marketing training programs, IIEPD provides learners with a host of different digital marketing training resources including access to the IIEPD Influencer Affiliate Program, the IIEPD Influencer Network and subsidised digital marketing services from Pie Analysis.
For more information, get in contact with IIEPD today.