What is PBN And Should You Use It
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What is PBN and Should You Use It: Link building is an essential element of SEO website promotion. The more links from authoritative sources pointing to your site, the better. PBN is a private network of controlled sources that you create yourself.
The process of link building from trust sources is complex and costly. Manually create donor sites — if not faster, then more reliable. In this case, you have full control over the incoming link mass, since you own the satellites. And when buying links, the further fate of the donor is unknown to you and beyond your control, however, like the link itself.
What is a PBN?network?
A private Blog Network is a private closed network that consists of different sites. All of them refer to the promoted resource veiled from search engines. Using PBN helps to promote the site to the TOP in highly competitive niches.
For the latter, the situation is as follows: there are many sites with some information, indexed pages, and scattered outgoing links. And there are no prerequisites that they are somehow connected. The task of the optimizer is to make sure that the search engine cannot reveal that a private network of sites is controlled.
The main disadvantages of the PBN?network
Creating a private closed network is a fairly complex process;
time spent to create a PBN network;
the risk of being sanctioned;
requires investment.
Advantages of a closed PBN?network
Donors are in complete agreement with the topic of your website;
you are subject to each satellite site and the link leading from it;
Resources with good indicators link to your site;
maximum transfer of weight from sources to the promoted resource;
the ability to change, and add content and links on each satellite at any time.
Types of?PBNs
PBN networks can be of various types:
Now let’s figure out what the correct construction of PBN means, depending on the three types discussed above:
1. Purchased ready-made sites.
2. Recovered trust resources.
3. Mini-sites on well-known free sites.
You may safely utilize all three strategies for SEO marketing. They differ mainly in the way PBN is created and the amount of money invested. To control the network, immediately create a table with graphs: purchase date, hosting payment term, number of links, etc., to keep everything under control.
Let’s consider each option in more detail.
Buying a ready?site
Suppose there is a certain resource in the network with “normal” indicators from the search engines. For some reason, the owner wants to sell it and openly declares this on the forum or elsewhere. You buy this site, remake it for yourself and, of course, add a link to the desired page.
Where can I find domains for?PBN?
On forums where there are relevant sections. The downside is that webmasters are well versed in this issue and are unlikely to give away a good site cheaply. But still worth a try. An example of such a site:
Site exchanges. Most popular today: Flippa, Telderi, allsites.biz, pr-cy.ru, megagroup.ru. See the Telderi auction for an example. To take part in the auction, it is enough to register in this system.
Telderi website exchange
Determine your budget right away, regardless of how you purchase satellites. It is recommended to spend no more than 5–7 thousand rubles on one site. Often good options are offered for 1–3 thousand rubles. Exchanges and auctions are also good because they allow you to bargain and take a site for 50–75% of the original cost.
What to do after choosing an?option
1. Choose satellite sites of the corresponding or related topics with the promoted resource.
2. Carefully check indicators in search engines. Serpstat service can be used to analyze purchased sites.
3. Also, check the information content of the resource in the web archive. This is necessary to make sure that the theme and content of the site have not changed recently to increase its value.
Of course, there should be no filters or restrictions on the site. Among outgoing links, adult, pharma, and any kind of spam are not recommended, the number of indexed pages is approximately the same in Google and Yandex.
It will take several days for all verification actions, after which you can buy the site. Check access to administrative data. If it is not there or it is partial, most likely you have come across scammers who will take away access immediately after payment.
After you get full access to the admin panel, change passwords, contact details, and postal address. Adjust the content along with existing outbound links. Add your texts with one link to the promoted site and the second to the trusted large portal. Every month it is better to buy at least 2–3 ready-made donor sites.
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PBN services
More on What is PBN and Should You Use It, a private network for a site can be created using special services. You can subscribe to them and get domains with specified characteristics. After self-checking domains for spam, they can be purchased.
Using the services is quite convenient, because it allows you to automate the search process, but it has certain disadvantages — some services provide incorrect data about domains or add domains that cannot be bought to the list. Another disadvantage of this option is that competitors will also see such domains.
PBN services include expireddomains.net, domcop.com, expired.ru, spamzilla.io, etc.
Domain Name?Recovery
It happens that the owners of certain sites cease to operate on the Internet, forget to renew the domain name, or for many other reasons no longer own it. Nevertheless, these sites remain on the white list of search engines and have very good performance. Your task is to find such drop domains and take possession of them. Where to look for?
1. On the site reg.ru in the appropriate section.
2. In search results for a high-frequency query. If you’re promoting a legal services website, search for “legal services.” Look at several dozen pages and identify non-working domains.
3. Looking for broken links among donors of major authoritative portals. In the “Link Analysis” module in Serpstat, enter the name of the portal and check the incoming links. There may be several free domain names among them.
To make it easier to check SEO PBN metrics without having to open every site, install the RDS Bar extension in your browser beforehand. Your search results will look something like this:
Search results with RDS Bar extension
Here you can immediately see how many links lead to each resource and whether they exist in principle. Ideally, there should be at least 10 of them, and preferably not only public directories, domain name analysis services, and avoid spam link profiles.
You’ll do a detailed study of the selected satellites later. Utilize the Serpstat platform’s capabilities to obtain the most reliable data.
In addition to analyzing SEO metrics, check how your chosen satellite site looked before through the web archive and see how many of its pages appear in search engines.
Basic rules for working with the?network
These rules are universal and suitable for any type of PBN:
install standard plugins, themes, and structures. Include content with a range of styles, volumes, and compositions. To do this, initially compose a simple semantic core for each resource.
To check if there are sanctions on this site, it is enough to add an article of 2–3 thousand characters to one of its pages. If it is indexed, you move on, otherwise, you take on another site.
And now the main thing is to create a link to the promoted resource. So that the search engine does not find anything suspicious, add a second additional link to a well-known portal. It is better to make 50% of links from all satellites without anchors, some can be with any general anchors (here, here, etc.), and the remaining 50% can be anchors with a key query and small text, but preferably with a minimum number of commercial additives.
On average, most of the links should lead to the main, and the other — to the rest of the pages of the promoted resource, be guided by the link profile of competitor sites
Don’t share satellites with other SEOs, and don’t sell PBN links. When a single network is built to promote only one site, it is ideal. It is not necessary to link satellite sites to each other, it is always a risk to discover the entire network. Acquire at least 3 domain names in one month to show a constant positive growth trend.
Registration of a mini-site on a well-known portal
In this article What is PBN and Should You Use It, This method is the simplest and least expensive. Its essence is to register a mini-site or blog on a large well-known portal such as LiveInternet, or LiveJournal. You can also use free website builders that you can easily find through a search. Further actions with each such resource are as follows:
1. You change the subject.
2. Fill your profile with information.
3. You collect a small semantic core and fill the site with content with a link to the promoted resource.
Creating a satellite in Live Internet
Of course, in this case, each blog/site must be unique in style, thematic content, and user data. Here we also use the rule: one link to the main site and the second additional link to the authoritative portal. Let 1 out of 10 links lead to the main page, the remaining 9 links to other pages.
Such sites cannot be registered in Yandex.Webmaster. In total, it is desirable to register at least 10 such sites per month for positive dynamics. In any case, focus on the quality of the content, not the number of sites. More weight is transferred by those links that live users can follow.
What is Satellite
A satellite is an auxiliary resource created to promote the main project, which is carried out using backlinks. In addition, satellites can be used to monopolize search results by one owner. When such a network is found, search engines impose sanctions, so PBN must be used with caution.
How to use pbn?network
What is PBN and Should You Use It: The PBN network is used to promote the main site. Sites participating in the network act as donors, and the main project serves as an acceptor of external links. Thanks to a properly designed PBN, SEO specialists can successfully promote a commercial site in a highly competitive topic.
Closed PBN networks are used to create external link mass and search engine optimization of one project. In total, three channels are available to create one network:
1.Purchase of ready-made sites.
2. Restoration of domain names of authoritative sites.
3. Registration of mini-sites on free major portals.
The main goal of the optimizer is to make sure that search engines and even real people do not have a suspicion about the existence of the network. Sites should contain useful and diverse content, but they will all lead to one resource, and also contain an additional link to an authoritative site.
To control this network, it is desirable to keep a table with dates, key indicators, and responsible for each process.
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