In A Magic Bullet Medicine Clinic: You See Everyday Joyful Patients & Happy Clinicians, No One Fails

In A Magic Bullet Medicine Clinic: You See Everyday Joyful Patients & Happy Clinicians, No One Fails

Neijing acupuncture is a magic bullet medicine, instantly taking effect with at least 90% of certainty in promoting self-healing with side effects essentially none (no more than a diabetic lancet poking does). In Neijing acupuncture, the healing happens like "The Wind Blows Away Cloud" as recorded in 2000 years old Chinese medicine classic Huandi Neijing (Neijing) in Chapter Lingshu 1.

I practice Neijing acupuncture. Everyday in my clinic, I see marveled faces of patients, within a few seconds after I inserted a few needles, wowing "Are you a magician?!" I always reply: “I am not a magician, nor do I had a golden touch or a secret potion. It is the self-healing power of your own body, evoked by the needles, that magically took your pain away within seconds.”

No Instant Improvement, No Pay

On my website, I tell the potential patients:

Tried everything but suffering remains?

See me now to get improvement within 3 seconds upon start of my treatment. Permanent cure usually in 5 - 10 sessions.

If you do not feel improvement in 3 seconds, I will treat you free of charge until you start to feel it. You have nothing to lose but your suffering.

No Side Effects, Guaranteed

In Neijing acupuncture, the tiny needles (0.16 -0.18 mm in diameter) are inserted only on distal limbs. The risk from side effects can be viewed as none.

Patients Will Always Feel Instant Changes

A clinician armed with Neijing acupuncture can confidently advised the patient:

You will feel instant changes with 3 seconds, no matter where your pain or abnormal sensation is located: from head to heels, stomach to colons, liver to kidneys, chest to pelvis, liver to ovaries, fingers to toes, shoulders to buttocks, neck to tailbone...

Not just musculoskeletal conditions, you will also feel instant sensational changes for your gastric reflux, gall stones, fatty liver, kidney stone, constipation, menstruation issues, sinusitis, asthma, fibroids, lymphatic lumps, ovary cysts, uterine fibroid... There is always a way to make you feel instant changes related to your specific condition.

Depending on the initial situation, all these conditions could thus be naturally cured or alleviated within 1 - 6 months of ongoing treatment.

Bodily Privacy Fully Respected

As mentioned earlier, in Neijing acupuncture, the needles are inserted only on distal limbs. The body trunk will never be needled. This is not because there is no therapeutically effective regions on the body trunk for a specific condition, but because it is utterly unnecessary. A clinician has enough far more effective regions available on just the limbs.

For each single specific condition, for example, neck pain at right side transverse process of C2, you have at least 16 body regions on the limbs where you can find spots which, when poked by a needle, could produce a magically effective result. Forget the body trunk, lets make the patient comfortable as much as possible.

As a patient, their number one privacy concern is how a clinician treat a condition which is located at private body parts: pelvic floor, pubic area, anal area etc. In Neijing acupuncture, all these private conditions can be treated by needling the limbs with magical effectiveness - patients will feel improvement instantly in 3 seconds!

So a clinician practicing Neijing acupuncture can advise patients:

You will comfortably watch how I treat you. During the treatment,?you just lie face up on the treatment table,?fully dressed with short sleeves and shorts. You can keep asking me questions from your curiosity.

What Can Happen with Clinicians?

In Neijing acupuncture, clinicians will be engulfed by big smiles everyday.

To sum up, in Neijing acupuncture, every clinician can become a magician in patients' eyes. This is a foolproof fact as occurring in my clinic, proved by the overwhelmingly large quantity of messages poured into my cell phone from my patients every day.

A more dedicated clinician will become an angel in the eyes of his or her joyful and fascinating patients (Read


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