What path are you following today?
I had an interesting text from my son, as I admonished him to let his ‘guys’ take risks, as he asked me what risks I had taken recently. I responded with a few examples, yet, the bigger question is really what path am I following today? Do I always seek to take the road less traveled or stick to the paths that are well worn? I was also reminded by a friend as I had posted a picture of a bunch of teens hanging out that friends really are everything in life. I quickly acknowledged that clearly my most important relationship in life is with the Lord, yet, my introduction to him was through a close friend, David Watanabe.
One of my favorite Bible verses, which also is a reminder about paths in life, is Proverbs 14:12, 'there is a path that seems right to a man but in the end leads to death'. As all of us approach the new year hopefully our paths aren’t totally dependent upon whether they lead us into happiness or selfish obsessions. Yes, the road less traveled, usually is the path that is least desirable by most. The willingness to have the path of servant leadership means that someone, most likely the Lord, has touched you, inspired you and now motivated you to look out for the needs of others first before fixating on your own wants.
I know that whenever I take a group for a hike that for the first timers there is always a sense of adventure as the destination isn’t known, yet. The reality for all is that life is full of normal routines that we can choose to make adventurous or allow to fall into the category of dull and monotonous. My incredible best friend, my Anne, is always so quick to rebuff me to put down my iPhone and more importantly look UP! Yes, smell the fragrance of the flowers and fresh air around me. Don’t miss the incredible AZ sunsets.
What’s more important in life is how you choose to LIVE each day. I can dream about visiting some far away country or visiting my New Hampshire grandsons soon, yet, what matters the most is how I live in the NOW. King Solomon who wrote most of Proverbs is someone that literally had everything in life, yet, everything didn’t necessarily mean his life was fulfilling, happy or what is best. He shares out of his poor choices in life to help all of us carefully consider what path are you following today.
New Year’s Eve I took a group of teens out to bless some of our street friends with a breakfast sandwich, candy, bottle of water and even a bag of dog food for their canine friends. This was definitely risky, as who knows how anyone responds to a group of kids/teens on a street corner. The amazing story was that everyone responded in a positive and thankful fashion. We heard stories about what life is like on the street and more importantly why my group should follow God’s path in life. This gentleman had a poster with Bible verses in both English and Spanish.
What path are you following today?