"What is past is prologue."
Recently I was reflecting on the passing of George HW Bush and noted the long list of dignitaries that attended his funeral. I began thinking about the names that have been written in the annals of time that are so easily recognizable even today:
- Julius Ceaser
- Mother Theresa
- William Shakespeare
- Walt Disney
Last week, I was visiting Florida and had the great honor to visit with some of the 9-1-1 Centers that, quiet honestly, have been to hell and back. They remember other historical names as well:
- Andrew
- Irma
- Katrina
- Pulse Night Club
- Parkland
- Micheal
Most of these names conjure up stories of death, destruction, and unmitigated evil. But for every story with and antagonist, there is also a protagonist; a hero or heroine that rises to the occasion. One that leans into the chaos of the storm and listens for the cries of the suffering.
And like all great heroes, they live and work among us with an unassuming altered ego. I met a few of them in Florida as well:
- Mickey
- Heather
- Ben
- Kayla
- Desaree
It was amazing to hear the stories of super human effort and feats of courage and resolve. These folks reached out through the night with an unseen hand and plucked so many from the grips of death and despair.
When the storm subsided, they didn't fly away like Superman, cape flapping in the breeze with the sunset at their backs. They just went home.
Many pulled into their driveway searching for a few moments of peace, only to arrive and find pieces...
They picked up what the could, slept when it was possible, and then headed back to the Comm Center to continue answering calls. Several of these heroes will battle leaky roofs, mold infestations, and mountains of insurance paperwork for many months to come.
I am always amazed at the resiliency of our Public Safety family. However, in those events so horrendous that they are defined by a name, that resiliency is tested and tried in the most intense ways imaginable. We owe them a debt of gratitude for setting the bar of excellence, and humanity, during these difficult trials. But more importantly, for continually raising that bar each time we add a new name to the annals of history. #911Strong.
(Inset: 9-1-1 Telecommunicators from Florida gather toys for those affected by Hurricane Micheal, Nov 2018.)