What Parents Need to Know About ChatGPT

What Parents Need to Know About ChatGPT

Parents and ChatGPT: As parents, it is important to stay up to date on the latest technologies. And to be aware of both the opportunities and their potential risks.

ChatGPT—a chatbot powered by artificial intelligence—is one such technology that is gaining popularity. It is important to understand how this technology works, and how to have conversations with your children about it.

ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that has the ability to engage in conversations with users. It can use context, remember information, and engage with users in what feels like human interaction. This technology has the potential to create conversations and even enable them to have meaningful interactions.

Below are some conversation pointers:

1. ChatGPT is an AI-powered technology, which means that conversations may not always be accurate. This generative AI gives the output in a very natural language format and children might not be able to discern that the content is not necessarily accurate.

2. ChatGPT conversations may include inappropriate language or content, so it is important to talk to your child about online safety. Children must still verify the content they get. Digital literacy is a skill children must master - how to critically assess information online.

3. It is important to remember that ChatGPT is a tool and not a replacement for human interaction. Though it reads with such authority, it is still computer generated.

4. Children who use it for study guides or school work must be aware of plagiarism. They should not simply copy and paste the results from ChatGPT to pass it off as their own work. In addition, there are several apps and tools that can check if content or essays are generated by AI. It is important to understand your children’s?#schools?policy around using AI. As some schools are banning it. We continue to wait and see how educationists will incorporate the tool into teaching.

5. No prize for knowledge alone: In the digital age knowledge is everywhere. Passive consumption of content is not the same as engaging in creating and applying it creatively. Children need to continue to develop critical thinking skills and actually think about how to apply the knowledge they have access to. Parents can encourage this by having an open conversation with their children about the opportunities and risks of new technologies.

Having relevant conversations with your digital natives should start early and often.

Ask your child today - have you heard of or do you use ChapGPT?


