What is Our Warrior Spirit's Daily Choice?
Robert Bianchi, ESQ., NREMT
NJ Criminal Defense Attorney; TEDX Speaker; Mindset Speaker; NJ Certified Criminal Trial Attorney; Frm. Morris County Prosecutor; TV Legal Analyst; Host Nothing But the truth Radio/Podcast; EMT South Orange Rescue Squad.
Sirens & Summations - Newsletter #9
Next week, we will get to the nitty gritty of the Warrior Spirit, that is, what and who is the greatest foe/enemy of the warrior?!
But for this week, we need to address:
What is Our Warrior Sprit’s Daily Choice?
The Warrior Spirit’s Perspective
The term “Warrior Spirit” is a euphemism. It is a combination of two important qualities, that being, resiliency and joyfulness. We have to “fight” to lean into life so that we can life fully and intentionally.?
Being an EMT and Prosecutor has given me unique perspectives about life. The singular core value I have learned is the importance of living life as fully as possible. The reality is that life can dramatically change, or end, in the blink of an eye. And, since life is short and precarious, we have little time to waste as we try to make the gift of life we have been given to us mean something special.
Understanding Your Warrior Spirit
I believe we all have a Warrior Spirit in each of us. The kind of Warrior Spirit that attempts to combat limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and "thinking" that holds us hostage in our lives. Some are very attuned to this Spirit, but most need a little help to feed their Warrior Spirit so that it grows and matures into a dominating and animating force in their precious lives.
Otherwise, it can seem that life is directing you, and you have no say in the outcomes. It may make one feel small, powerless, unfulfilled. This is why developing a Warrior Spirit is a must.?
I have been with many people at the end of their life who literally lament that their life “didn't make a difference,” that their precious life was a "waste," and they lament things they did not do because of the fear of failure, or a myriad of other perceived obstacles. This sad commentary about their own lives formed in me an understanding that there is no time to lose in extracting as much out of life that is possible. I promised myself as a teenager that I would work hard to confront the inevitable obstacles in my life so that I will never say my life did not matter.
It was not easy, and there were daunting challenges where many times I almost give up and where I felt defeated and demoralized. But, it was through the lens of knowing the Warrior Spirit that I kept on pushing in my discomfort, and surrendered to the reality that even if my worst fears were realized, at least I knew wouldn’t quit--I would gave it my all. It is one of the few things that I am most proud of myself in my life. ?
The Essential Question?
The essential profound question that every Warrior Spirit must confront is: When that final moment comes, and your eyes are about to close for the final time, will you be proud of how you lived??
This is the most important animating thought of ever day of my life. Every day! It focuses me so that on the day I am no more I will be proud of how I lived. It is my NorthStar to guide my decisions and choices I make on a daily basis.?
Decisions may be big, but in truth, most are small. Regardless, I try to live each moment with intentionality. And, if I fail, I restart asap! There is nothing that will vanquish a Warrior Spirit, joy, and living a fulfilled life, than perfectionism!
The Warrior Spirit’s Choice
We all need to better prepare our Warrior Spirit. One can never have too much Warrior Spirit to confront life in a courageous and bold way! Importantly, a Warrior Spirit does not just face the challenges that come their way by happenstance. No, they also do something that is scary for many people.?
Now, get ready for this truth!?
The truly fulfilled actively seek opportunities for growth (i.e. challenges), even when it's uncomfortable, even when it's scary, even when they fear they will fail miserably! It's not about being reckless; it's about being bold when everything inside you screams for comfort and safety. Staying in the bosom of the status quo of mediocrity is a very powerful stifler of living boldly. The Warrior knows this.?
And, the great thing is we are programed to do this. This is why Nike's phrase "Just Do It" is so popular/resonates. The phase scratches our Warrior Spirit’s itch to put down the excuses, fears, discomfort, and “just do it!!!”
My Personal Stories
Let me share something personal to illustrate. Last year, I decided to recertify as an EMT. Was this necessary? No. Was it comfortable? Far from it. I was the oldest person in the class by far, hadn't been a student in decades, and had to shift from my usual role as a teacher/mentor to become a student/learner again. There were many times I was humbled, felt less than adequate, and was generally miserable. I could have easily quit with no “real life” repercussions whatsoever. But, I would have lost some degree of self-respect and that was not something I was willing to do.?
The risk of failure, of embarrassment, of not measuring up was all there. But, after years of exercising my Warrior Spirit, there was no way I was going to let me, fail me. If I failed, someone else was going to do it, I refused to be marginalized by my own self. I refused to let myself down. I refused to have quitting from doing something I wanted. I did not want to be the person who on their deathbed lamented that I had quit.
A Truth About Fear
I believe that we often spend 95% of our mental energy worrying about the 5% chance of failure or embarrassment. The Warrior Spirit recognizes this trap and chooses differently. The regret of not trying will always be more painful than the sting of any failure. It's the fight itself that matters, not who is standing at the bell! People say these things, but rarely do they take their own advice and be willing to risk failure.
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin
This quote is so powerful. Just sit with it for a moment!
Another Warrior Spirit Choice as A Trial Lawyer
As the County Prosecutor, I faced a similar choice. I chose to try a high-profile murder case personally. Many advised against it—the public scrutiny would be intense, the stakes enormous the pressure would be high. It was the kind of case where the publicity was already immense, as it was the murder of a Catholic priest. As the head county prosecutor, I did not need to take on this huge task. But something inside me, that Warrior Spirit, knew that if I did not, I would always be saddened I let my fear of failure and discomfort defeat me.?
Today, I look back not just with pride in the case itself, but in the more important satisfaction that I stepped into the arena when it would have been easier to stay safely on the sidelines and remain in that tight bud!
The Power of Small Choices
However, be careful! Excellence does not have to always be "big." It often resides in little things. The small opportunities to make a big difference. This is what Father Heath (previous newsletter) taught me about excellence: It's built in the small moments, the daily choices that compound like interest over time.?
Not every day brings massive challenges, and that's precisely why Warriors seek out opportunities to grow. A smile to someone struggling, a hand extended when it would be easier to walk by, choosing the harder right of a thing, over the easier wrong--these small acts of courage build the Warrior's Spirit.
Understanding True Courage
The Warrior's path is not about being fearless. It's about acknowledging the fear, the self-doubt, the negative self-talk that says "you're not good enough" or "you might fail," and moving forward anyway. Each time you do, you build not just confidence, but self-respect too. And, self-respect is important! You prove to yourself that you are stronger than your fears. You say it, you succeed, rinse and repeat, and before you know it, you are living life to its fullest. YES!
The Cost of Waiting
As I shared in my TEDx talk, I've been with many dying people and have heard too many last words of regret from those who let fear defeat them, who chose comfort over courage, who waited for "someday" until their somedays ran out. This is why the Warrior Spirit chooses today, chooses action, chooses to live fully even when it is hard. Especially when it is hard!
Your Warrior Spirit in Action
Our Warrior Spirit is already within us. We are in truth stronger than we think. It is "thinking" that is the problem, that is getting in the way of the Spirit! But, with each win the Warrior Spirit gains, it starts showing up more easily the next time:
Your Life's Highlight Reel
Remember: When that final moment comes, your life's highlight reel will show the times you played it safe, the limitations you put on yourself, not understanding why you did that!
And, I love Teddy Roosevelt's The Man in the Arena poem as it teaches us we can be proud of the moments we dared greatly, when we put ourselves out there, when we chose courage over comfort. Those moments, whether they ended in victory or valuable lessons, are what make a life worth living. I only hope I will have enough time to say in the end, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" Matthew 25:21.
Until next time, stay bold, stay purposeful, and keep choosing the Warrior's path.
If you haven’t already, look into my TEDx talk and other events...
TEDx Talk: Watch my TEDx talk on Deathbed Confessions by an Emergency Medical Technician!
Recent Events: Finding Joy In The Practice | A 2025 Reboot
Coming Events: Well-Being Update and Learning to Deal with Mistakes/Self-Forgiveness
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Senior Infrastructure Project Manager Specializing In Risk Management, Program Delivery, Project Team Leadership, Customer Service & Delivery Of Multi-million Dollar Projects
1 个月Very thought provoking, Bob. I particularly noted one phrase you didn't emphasize - "live each moment with intentionality". That is a maxim I have tried to adopt for my own life.
NJ Criminal Defense Attorney; TEDX Speaker; Mindset Speaker; NJ Certified Criminal Trial Attorney; Frm. Morris County Prosecutor; TV Legal Analyst; Host Nothing But the truth Radio/Podcast; EMT South Orange Rescue Squad.
1 个月Thank so many of you for the support. If you haven’t, I’d love to have you sign up for the newsletter. Check link in bio! ??