What Are Our Hopes, Dreams and AI Vision for Humanity?
Michaell Magrutsche MICHAELLM.com

What Are Our Hopes, Dreams and AI Vision for Humanity?

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Why Can We See More And More Of Our Power And Simultaneously Feel More Powerless With Every New Technology? We hope that AI can save us, if not, we fear it could destroy us. The reason we feel so uncomfortable with either choice and its results is what seems unavoidable, our powerlessness. Whatever we collectively decide from this perspective, leaves humanity feeling more powerless than ever.?

There Is Another Choice: We must use AI/all new technology in a human-centric context as a systemic-tool and not more. Since we created every technology, none must ever rise above or potentially harm humanity's existence by healing our relationship with technology. A Human-Centric Perspective on how technology could help us lift our Human-Potential is our long time survival strategy.

Would AI Be Able To Do Anything Other Than System-Maintenance And System-Streamlining? Currently AI is 99% about handling tedious systemic-work to release human stress to keep outdated systems alive. AI is not bad, and at first glance AI could be good for many tedious tasks like testing, or executing and collecting data for more detailed statistics to gain more knowledge. We also hope that AI uncovers more hidden treasures from all the data that humans uploaded like “AlphaGo’s move 37.” With one word, AI should make our “systemic-metaverse” easier navigable for humans from mining more knowledge.?

A Vision For The Functions Of AI Is Essential For Its Human-Centric Use. Before we implement AI in all our systems, creating a solid AI Vision first for human-centric use would make us more confident and make this system-mission easier.??

The Underlying Current Of Systemic-Uncertanty Feels Like Oncoming Insanity. We know that we are the Gods of all man-made systems we created. Our technology gets better and more intricate, but some things don't feel right like the feeling of powerlessness but there is more that sucks our life-juice. The answer lies in the question. If AI-technology is as good as we say, what can it do outside of systemic-efficiency? Let’s look.?

We Forgot About Our Heritage As Collaborative-Creator Animals Of Nature Which We Are All Part Of. We are a part of nature and at the same time we are able to create a system-habitat on the same planet. Sadly, over time we have increasingly adapted to system-dynamics which amplified our misunderstandings and distortions of our genuine heritage.?

Did We Collectively Wish For AI Technology To Fix What Systems Caused Humanity In The First Place? This awareness is important, not only with AI, but with all technology we welcome in our midst. Especially, when we catch ourselves to keep trading convenience for using ever more technology to finally be too powerless to exist without it.? We force ourselves to submit and sacrifice for the creations we built. Our false hope in AI is similar to computers and cell phones, which promised more time and money. It made us 8x better worker-bees without reaping equivalent rewards. Social media promised inclusion and ultimately delivered human segregation. We have to collectively stop looking at systemic-rewards now and deal with human casualties later. Since all human suffering is re-distributed to all we better start to define human-centric worth above financial principles otherwise the collateral damage will be too expensive for human existence.?

Why Are We Becoming Tired of More Technology? Humans have become so exhausted of adapting to our man-made systems and their demand for ever more tedious system navigation and maintenance. When system-jobs become increasingly tiring that no one wants to do them any more we use another system like tech to lighten the load. But too much technology has made some jobs humanly-unbearable. The products and services are a disappointment in comparison to the human-centric marketing promises. The ability of a fulfilled experience lies in human to human interaction. If you would take the human aspect out of jobs most systems would cease to exist because humans flock to each other.?

BEING (Human) Is About Growing To Gain Awareness. Today’s jobs are systemic-tasks for money, not a vocation that expands our human-potential. Systems allow us to navigate but fulfillment is only found in minute dopamin-rewards of likes, ranking and money.? Ultimately, these temporary rewards are powerless against continuously experiencing system-work that is unfulfilling. Humans are limitless and when pushed from any way they get inventive, even in how we use systems. People want to use AI to get a breather financially or timewise, we tech-ghost each other with AI applications to get relief from our systemic stress to endure system-navigation.?

Can AI Solve Our Human Issue Of 74% Hating Their Jobs? It is hard to observe humans that surrender their oneness to sacrifice it to be system-relevant and never get to experience their uniqueness. Another issue is when systems don’t provide human contributions that allow each individual to grow personal. I think that’s why we put all our eggs in the AI basket to find relief to live more of our human lives. I love the possibilities that AI like most technology could offer but boils down to AI is just another tool, not more.

Technologies Always Create More Tedious Routine Maintenance To Stay Up To Date. I hate to burst your hope for less system maintenance/navigation in the future. This is a similar promise that automation did versus physical work previously. Today we found that doing some physical work is? healthier than white-collar to-do lists. But what would we do with all that extra time and money? We spend it on gym and vacation to reset to restart our systemic-duties again. Just remember it was not enough after we first automated system tasks because there is no value of enough in system dynamics. We could buffer the lack-stressor by integrating ENOUGH as system-value.?

Can We Use AI To Counteract What Outdated Systems-Dynamics Have Taken From Us, Leading A More Fulfilled Life? All our man-made systems require a considerable human-price to function. In order to play we need to be system-relevant, adapting to gain leverage to ultimately survive in this economy we chose to participate in. I believe there's at least one better way to continuously readapt systems to keep supporting humanity and we will reciprocate accordingly.?

Human-Centric Functions Seem Secondary In Tech’s Development But Should Be Contemplated First: Are we ever able to build technology that allows humans to relate organically with ease? Can we make technology that has enough safeguards that minimizes its abuse? Or, must humans similar to most previous technologies adapt even more to allow new tech to work better? It is obvious, veering further off our genuine human-lifestyle to adapt to gain more system-relevance does not work for anyone.?

We Collectively Suffer From Our Systemic-Stressor the Lack Of TIME. The continuum of never enough, using time as a motivator amplifies our lack of money, which can not buy time.? Combined with inappropriate jobs that suck our collective life-force through constant ambiguity that we can not adapt to anymore. Our continuous systemic-lack instigates pollution of air, water, and food adds to our dis-ease. Mental states of fight or flight are precursors to human-survival behavior that forces an ego-centric life-style to feel safer. These rules of current game-versions must make us herd animals numb and segregate our human-family without our awareness. Like Fish, our water is LACK. Please let’s wake up to ourselves where all the answers lie.?

Why Not Use AI First To Focus On Updating All Outdated Systems To Allow Humanity To Flourish Again? We need to be balanced through sleep, play and be social for our ability to grow. Balance allows us to achieve our best results, exploring what our world needs to lead to genuine fulfillment. If we keep further tending to system-created tasks we will keep overlooking our innate powers given by nature. We become blind to our efficiency that is found in our 6 human senses, to our only common language of art and our perfect bodies that are able to reset and adapt till we leave this planet.?

What Human Powers Have We Become Blind To? The power that is revealed when we are experiencing genuine inclusion and recognizing we are one human family, not a system-concept of what humanity ought to be. Our recognition of our one-of-one skills and abilities as part of being that collaborative creator-animal of nature that we are. The recognition that we communicate and decide more through our 6 senses than our brain. The realization that with our collaborative capability of building our systemic-habitat on this planet, we would never hand our abilities and skills over to technology.?

Can AI Be Helpful To Achieve Balance And Harmony or at least get us more clarity, or where and how we create imbalance. But even if AI gave us all these results, it is up to us to implement them and the question still stands: Do we want to be who we are by nature or some system-relevant mind-constructed image with an avatar?

AI Can Only Reflect A Minute Amount Of Our Human Potential. When we look at AI and are amazed, we are looking at a mirror of our past collaborative creative brilliance, not at the whole or our possibilities. Since we are part of nature, our absolute power lies in the balance that we can achieve by recognizing how adaptable we are. When humans strive keeping the balance to exist in nature and man-made systems simultaneously, we unleash our highest human-potential.?

Why Implement AI When Humans Are Still Incapable Of Dealing With Our Massive Output? It is a fact that every technology is an amplifier to create more goods and services better, faster and cheaper. AI allows us to do this exponentially, while people that are supposed to buy those goods get less pay or lose their jobs to AI. Consequently, our need for keeping up with the latest tech to help us out keeps overwhelming us even more. This feeling numbs our senses to gauge what would be the right thing for each of us in our current situation.?

Can AI Solve This Systemic Created Human-Problem Of Overabundant Creation? Will AI allow us to override its suggestions? Or, will it just keep adding synthetic-results till we blindly agree with AI’s truths and finally surrender to having lost the battle to technology??

Can AI Fix The Cause Of Our Lack Of Time And Money? Or, will we end up the same as with computers/mobile phones. Since Technology/AI allows us to become better worker-bees, we need the awareness of how to launch and use any technology to serve humans first. For example, can AI allow us to have more time and money, to even find and consume the onslaught of products and services we will produce?? Nothing has to happen this way if we are contemplating any new technology before we implement it correctly.?

All Technology Including AI Exists Because We Created It Out Of A Need For A Better Life. AI is perfect to help many that just want to get by with the AVERAGE consensus or support them to reach system-standards to participate. I myself use a computer to read the books that I wrote because I am dyslexic with dysgraphia. But our fulfillment is never discovered in system-relevance but rather in unveiling our uniqueness. When we dive into our systemic-ambiguities like my neurodiversity, to not see it as a disability but a symptom of which we don’t know enough yet. If we define dyslexia as system-abnormality any systemic-definition makes us like cogs in a wheel and creates so much self-shame because of not fitting in. It is humanity’s duty to adapt systems to allow each of us to discover the beauty of oneness that each of us has.?

How Can AI Support Us 8 Billion One Of One Humans With Unique Functioning Bodies, Perceptions And Life Experiences? The fulfillment of life comes from experiencing each other’s UNIQUENESS. Experience humans from their individuality, not evaluate them from the group they are systemically categorized in. Humans in and by nature are not segregated by gender, race, disability, sexual preference, religion or political party affiliation. These are systemic-definitions. We are all just different puzzle pieces of our human family that are able to interact with our common language of art and our 6 senses. Can AI comprehend this and help us update outdated systems?

Can And Should AI Ever Become Our Universal Language Model? When we try to interact efficiently with each other through data-sets, our natural human way gets distorted. These tiny distortions add up and hurt our interaction with each other. We have to adapt too much and lose some of ourselves. We keep forgetting more of our natural perfection till we pivot and insist that the data is more right than our natural ways. This leads to such exhaustion that? humans will “legitimately” hurt each other. When two systematic-rule sets are opposed to another the system-remedy is called segregation and war. War against this or that, or actual war, is trying a solution through domination. War is an artificial system-tool to reset, based on ego mind-constructs that do not exist in nature. War in nature are short fights where the dominant is recognized and accepted. When it comes close to any war we humans ought to see that our mind-set and ruleset is corrupted. We could then update system-rules to reach a more human-centrically system setting, instead of wasting more lifeforce and lives by segregating. War is really bad for all involved because even if we win a conflict, what we bring back from wars is two thirds more pain and suffering and financial destruction. How much dumber can we be?

Our Child-Like Assumptions About AI Show Us That We Have Reached A Point Where We Don’t Believe In Ourselves Anymore. We have distorted our mind-sets that we believe only a machine can save us. We could just wake up and see our limitlessness that we are given by nature. Case in point, everything we do is about collaborating, attention getting and merging but systematically we fear the liability of our impacts consequences and segregate. Without awareness this is a no win, because being by nature humane, we opt to accept segregation to stay system-relevant too. This behavior absorbs all our relevance that we have been given by nature.?

Can AI Be Fresh Or Just A Conglomeration Of The Outdated? Digital value is discovering relevant patterns then copying them till they become trivial. AI can do the same but faster, turning relevance into insignificance in a heartbeat. Humans drive is to grow and to satiate this need we look for the new, search for experiencing the fresh which is overwhelmingly found in unique perspectives from unique humans. AI teases us with the reshuffled outdated but who wants to really wear the same thing that everyone wears? Systemically we want to be relevant and copy to fit in. Human-centrically we want to wear what reflects an extension of our essence. This is why we wear different clothes at work.

AI Should Be Regarded As What It Is, A Faster Tech-Tool. AI is the same as other technologies before, just faster. Tech helps us or hurts us especially when we submit our genius that is found in our inherent individuality to it. AI will hopefully make us better in systems, a better worker-bee like the computer and cell phone did previously. Yes, it will eliminate tedious system-tasks but will simultaneously create updated system-tasks that are much more humanly taxing in comparison. Such as being hyper-focus for a long time to weed out halluzination-gaps in nebulous content which costs a lot of life-force that could be used for more fulfilling tasks for those individuals.?

Technology Eats Time And Our Life-Force. All technology eats time and ultimately does not save the promised time, like the computer/cellphone did before. We keep spending time on tech because all man-made systems demand continuously more for up-to-date functioning, compared to us humans that can enjoy what is enough. We like to forget we are the Gods of all man-made systems to make our human collaborative-existence more efficient, instead of sacrificing our inherent worth to them. Sacrificing our unique abilities by submitting to our own creations is not only inefficient but impossible, we can only adapt so much till we burst. AI like the computer/cellphone will make systemic navigational tasks easier but AI won't save us nor will it fill in the gaps of awareness that humanity had long before we built this round of tech tools.?

It Is More Important To Find Out What AI Can’t Do Instead Of Dreaming What It Might Be Able To Do. We need to become aware of what AI cannot do as soon as possible. AI is not the remedy for everything, it can’t, because we created it. It seems AI’s primary advantage is to facilitate system work. Which means the sooner we become aware of what AI can’t do we can expand on what AI can offer to support each individual outside of system-dynamics.?

Since All Man-Made Systems Are Supposed To Support Humans, What Are The Required Human-Relevant Tasks Of AI? The reason we need to fulfill this demand is that we are all interconnected energetically. That means if two thirds of humanity feels a feeling of fear, lack or scarcity, no one can exclude themself from this charge. That’s why humans do inhumane things, but it ultimately never works. We are all in this together, the sooner we make systems adapt to human-centricity the faster and more elegant it will be to experience our true human-potential.?

Human-Centric AI Should Support Inclusiveness By Respecting Each Humans Individuality. Allocating or creating fulfilling jobs, all kinds of care and education that first teaches us about our human traits as a collaborative creator-animal of nature and helps finding one’s human skills and abilities. This will finally allow us to contribute to humanity and systems with ease and passion, where each person experiences his/her worth in the wholeness of life.

Transparency Must Go Hand In Hand With Any System That Is Built And Serves Us. We must be able to question bottom up what's right there is no right, the right is found in experiencing collaboration, not from top down deciding over what the rest has to do. We must come to a point where all contribute as best as we can and this synergy lifts our human-potential with its perspectives on life.?

AI Can Be A Solution That Makes Sense Of Our Systemic Hamster Wheel Life. We are using technology, not to ultimately lift our human-potential, but to patch holes of rapidly self-outdating systemic water balloons. Why not turn off the water to fix the balloons??

I am completely self-taught because of my extreme neurodiversity which never allowed me to be a system-navigator. Art and creativity helped me survive and understand life on a human level. I love tech but don’t comprehend it. This is an excerpt from my upcoming book about humans' relationship with AI and our latest technology.??

I am an artist/speaker/educator/author and adviser (private,corporate,political.) The discoveries of my life journey and contacts can all be found on my website MICHELLM.com ?

Please rate, share if you care and thank you for taking the time to grow and elevate our humanity-centric lifestyle,?


More Human-Views at Artificial Intelligence:

AI WITH, FOR OR AGAINST US? THE SYSTEMIC-DRIVE BEHIND AI AND WHAT ARE THE HUMAN-BENEFITS that Artificial Intelligence could provide to elevate humanity outside of systems? https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/ai-against-us-michaell-magrutsche ?

WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) DOING FOR HUMANITY? https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/what-can-ai-do-humans-michaell-magrutsche

CAN AI EVER DO WHAT ART-CREATION ALREADY CAN?https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/can-ai-ever-do-what-art-creation-already-michaell-magrutsche

#AI, #Artificialintelligence, #TheSmartofArt, #humanabilities, #dyslexicthinking, #systems

Alex Sanfilippo

Connecting Podcast Hosts & Podcast Guests for Interviews ??

1 年

Man... I'm not sure what to say yet. Gotta chew on this one a bit. You're incredible, Michaell.

Kris Keppeler

Voice actor and writer bringing your content alive with words, sounds, and images

1 年

Wonderful article, very spot on!



