Gill Tiney
Business strategist and founder of Collaboration Global, bringing good people together to create positive impacts on our world. Collaboration is my passion, our route to a better future for all.
And Who is Gill Tiney?
I find myself heading up a movement that captivates people’s imagination to transform our world into one that better serves the global population.
On the one hand it feels ridiculous, on the other I know it is what I have been building towards my entire life. For a while I resisted, it all seemed too huge, insurmountable, too massive, but now I am 100% committed. It feels like it is the right thing to do and I am not alone.
Over the past decade I have researched, experimented, demonstrated and evolved a community that are creating a culture for true collaboration. Together in January 2020 we morphed into Collaboration Global, not realising that, due to the pandemic, this is an idea whose time has come. Our world can stop this trajectory into self-destruction with the power of true collaboration.
Simple really isn’t it.
I don’t focus on the big picture, although I truly believe that this way of being can move mountains. I focus on how it impacts individuals, how I can make a small difference that has greater impacts. I have seen people connect to themselves and others more deeply, I have seen businesses grow and I have seen whole communities impacted by the light touch of true collaboration. If that is all I can do then that is enough. Yet I know that when this consciousness, this way of being, ripples through communities, then great things start to happen and eventually we see major impacts. It is happening already.
Our Broken World
Before we get to celebrate the positive impacts of collaboration in our world, we need to identify what is wrong so far. How long have you got? Monetary system – broken. Education system – not fit for purpose. Political system – egocentric! The list goes on…. Less than 1% of the world’s population have more income that over half of the rest of the world according to Oxfam. How is that OK in anyone’s book? Now I don’t expect everyone to have the same, but I do think its only fair that everyone has access to clean water and a roof over their head – seems only fair!
Yet what can we do?
Well the current system of representation of people in governmental form doesn’t seem to be working out. However, the people at the top have a vested interest in keeping it the way it is, so having a bloody revolution is not my idea of an intelligent way to solve the situation. How about the good people(that’s you and me and let’s face it that is 95% of the population), get together and just start living in a way that magnifies the good and takes away the power of the people who do not follow suit.
It really is easier than you think. We already have a head start. The pandemic has taught us that being connected to our loved ones is what is truly important. Getting into nature and looking after our planet is what we can do. Being kind to each other is in our control. Appreciating those who truly keep the country running, those who empty our bins, stack our supermarket shelves and look after us when we are sick are those we need to value. Little by little we have the power to turn it all around.
‘Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world indeed it is the only thing that ever has’ Margaret Mead
Am I still on LinkedIn?
We seem to have wandered way off piste – what about business??? Well the good news is that the Collaboration Global philosophy and culture fits in beautifully with every business. We can see it appearing already in so many and are beginning to be known collectively as ‘Business for Good’. This really takes hold when a business has spent time understanding its purpose. Once it can define it’s reason for being and given true context to everything it does ( and let me tell you if you think you are in business simply for the money you are definitely missing a trick) then it can start to maximise its potential and create amazing collaborations.
These collaborations have a life of their own. When you work with people who have spent time working on themselves, their connection to self, know what their genius is, understand their triggers, have peeled away the layer of stories they bring to their life and can dismiss limiting beliefs then the true collaborations they create are incredible. Imagine working with such people who are creative, push the boundaries of what is possible, have integrity and show up as their best selves. People who are not afraid of being vulnerable and who show they care, who know that they are here to serve and want to enjoy life to the max. Now THAT is my kind of team for a collaboration!
Being in that space working with like ‘hearted’ people, has a profound effect and leaves you feeling empowered to work in your genius. Not that you are an Einstein, but you have been given a gift, whether you realise it or not you have a unique ability to support and help another – it is how we have been made. The sooner you discover it the sooner you can embark on a collaboration that helps others, and hopefully helps you too. We all learn something from each project we embark upon. Connect to yourself – know yourself and identify your genius. Connect to others – compliment their genius and evolve a purpose for your project. Create the Rules of the Game for your project – as per CoGlo Culture Deliver a project where you, your fellow collaborators, the client and the wider community can all benefit. Then pay it forward.
How does it work in practice?
At Collaboration Global (CoGlo) we have identified some of the factors that create amazing collaborations. It isn’t a definitive list; we are discovering more refinements all the time, there are however, some fundamentals: That means pay forward something from what you learned to the next project, pay forward something you earned into a charity, pay if forward the friendships you have made by writing a testimonial for your fellow collaborators simply pay if forward by helping others. As you can imagine this is just the tip of the iceberg, there are many nuances to understand, many levels to access and many lessons to be learned along the way. All of this is done from a place of love. So, for example, when someone challenges you on a project, they are doing it from a place that wants you to reach your potential. No one has to be defensive because there is no attack. No one has to be exactly right, because there is no definite wrong. Only possibilities and solutions. It frees us all up for the adventure of living.
By practicing this culture we have helped sons be reunited with their fathers, functioning alcoholics become sober for the first time in 20 years, people free themselves from the shame of abuse and others claim that if it weren’t for the community they would be dead now. Not the objectives we set out to meet, but the natural by-product of a successful collaboration. I can also tell you of new businesses being born, of projects that helped young people in education, workshops that were created from common values and much more. Plus, many people who simply meet up every month to learn from each other, support each other, share their genius and have fun. It has a special energy, a positive vibe, a tangible essence of feel good factor. We call it love. It is a powerful space to inhabit. And yes, we make some money together, on many an occasion lots of money. Which is great because then we can support the causes that are close to our heart. As we come to the end of our first year as Collaboration Global, I am reminded of what Simon Sinek says about leaders eating last. People come to us and they don’t ask ‘’What’s in it for me?’ they ask, ‘how can I help?’ I am blessed to be surrounded by leaders. Leaders of their own destiny who are willing to share their talents so that others discover their true purpose.
If you would like to join the movement and be part of our community then join us at one of our monthly sessions and discover for yourself how collaboration can transform our world. Always the last Tuesday of the month - apart from December. 3-5pm link in comments
#CollaborationGlobal #business #community #love
Gill Tiney Bio
Gill is the founder of Collaboration Global. As a speaker, author and business coach she knows the challenges of being an entrepreneur and business owner. As a community catalyst she regularly collaborates with both members and in partnerships to spread the message of love, connection and abundance to as many as possible. The best way to meet her is to come to a Collaboration Global session https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/collaboration-global-guest-session-online-tickets-441546376097?aff=erelexpmlt
or if you want a conversation to learn more then book a discovery session with Gill. https://meet-with-gill-tiney.appointlet.com/s/gill-tiney
International Pricing Speaker | Keynote Speaker | Portfolio Marketing Director #pricing #pricingstrategy #pricingoptimization
4 年Totally with you regarding collaboration. Take Power Posters as an example - great collaboration right there. And although there are examples of competition regarding things like getting access to vaccines first, there have been great examples of collaboration through this crisis. I think science offers some wonderful examples. Despite the Cold War, America and Russia managed to plan a space station. Winners of Nobel prizes are often collaborators from universities across the world. In general, it often seems as if the sum is greater than the parts when we work together.
?Confident SpeakingCoach ?Improv Teacher ?'Speaking Out' DJ Phonic FM ?Speaker
4 年You have set yourself one heck of a task there, Gill Tiney, though I suspect a joyful one. Life is so much easier when we embrace it, and everyone in it, fully. I feel the key word is love. I started as a therapist over 30 years ago, knowing that what I was doing was love, but in those days it seemed not okay to say, too "hippy". Now it feels perfectly fine.
The Walking Neuroscientist | Keynote Speaker for Leaders that want to tackle Uncertainty, Bias & Hidden Potential | Founder of the Consciousness Academy
4 年Love this Gill Tiney and so pleased you quoted Margaret Mead, fabulous woman. Your world of people who are creative, push the boundaries, have integrity and show up as their best selves is the kind of world I want to live in! #business #community #collaborationglobal #love #collaboration
Scalable leads through referrals & partnerships ???? Nearbound Specialist ?? Coach, Consultant, Trainer, Fractional
4 年It's no surprise you've built such a strong, supportive, and giving community Gill - you lead by example! With more and more people embracing this way of working and being, hopefully we'll start to see more and more of the positive change the world needs.
Such an important movement and way of thinking Gill Tiney. And can only work effectively when people stop coming to the table asking "what's in it for me" when we get people to this way of being we will all evolve. Fantastic.