What is Open Data Platform?
Open Data Platform Initiative (ODPI) is an industry effort that promotes and advances Apache Hadoop and Big Data technologies for the enterprise.
This Initiative seeks to accelerate the delivery of Big Data solutions by defining a core platform. It defines, integrates, tests and certifies a standard “ODP Core” of compatible versions of some Big Data open source projects and provides a stable base against which solutions providers can qualify their solutions and get recognitiion.
ODPI provides tools & methods that enable members to create and test different offerings based on the ODP Core whilst reinforcing the role of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) in the development and governance of projects in accordance with ASF processes and Intellectual Property guidelines. ODP Core tries to eliminate guesswork and accelerate Use Cases that can "run" on a common platform.
ODPI provides support to the development community and promotes activities that accelerate the rollout of modern data architectures that leverage Apache Hadoop while minimizing fragmentation and duplication of effort within the industry. Currently the ecosystem has its challenges and is slowed by fragmented and duplicated efforts.
ODP Core Benefits:
- Technology vendors would have reduced Research & Development costs
- Application solution providers too would "produce more" since they would have access to more predictable and better qualified releases
- Interoperability would improve, integration with existing systems would be simplified
- There would be less confusion;
As always - do not hesitate to reach out for help, or more information ...
< Contact > Dominic Fernandez
defining, designing and delivering solutions to help businesses achieve results - efficiently and effectively!