What is On-Page SEO?
Certain changes on a website's pages can optimize search engine ranking and bring more organic traffic to the website, these changes come under On-Page #SEO. Let's have a look at what comes under On-Page SEO. Save this Post!
URL: Use short and keyword-rich URLs that will make your users' #experience as smooth as possible.
Metadata: A short description below your link, on the search engine results page that entices your potential audience to click on the link and visit all pages of your site.
Keywords: Specific words related to your niche that are high on search engines hence strategic use of these words helps you appear on the first page.
Internal Links: One way to convert your potential audience into a client is if they spend time browsing your website. When your potential audience spends more time on your website, chances of conversion increase hence, strategic placements of links that divert to other pages of the website are important
Image Optimization: When your image is high #quality, in the correct formats, with relevant title and links; it helps boost your website visibility
Are you ready to take your website to new heights? Then implement these tricks today and #share your results with us!
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