What is this?
This is the structure of Urea (NH2)2C=O. It is the Laplacian of the "electron density" and it is equivalent to the structure you will get by X-ray diffraction. The colors depict the "electron density". Thus, the darker violet (-35) is the densest. The two concentric spheres at the center of the figure is the carbon atom. What you "see" are two spherical "orbitals". The internal one with multiple colors is the helium core of the atom (it counts 2 electrons), which is surrounded by another sphere deformed into a triangle shape. The blue color of this sphere reveals a rather low (5-10) "electron density".
The sphere at the bottom of the image is the oxygen atom. Just like the carbon atom, there is a multicolor tiny sphere (helium core, 2 electrons) at its center, which is inside a blurred violet (-35) sphere. Up to here, this atom is similar to the carbon atom. Then, it presents another violet (-35) sphere. And like an onion, this is inside a yellow structure (-5) which is shared with the carbon atom. Finally, a dark blue envelope (10) is surrounding this oxygen atom.
The yellow structure in between the oxygen and the carbon is sharing or it is composed of 4 electrons. 2 from the carbon and 2 from the oxygen. The oxygen has 6 valence electrons, therefore, the dark blue envelope should have 4 electrons.
The two nitrogen atoms are above the carbon atom. They also have the helium core tiny sphere inside a less blurred triangle-like spherical shape. This time it is a yellowish triangle shape (-5) sphere. It can be observed that the electronegativity of the atoms is reflected into the color of the sphere surrounding the helium core sphere. Hence, from low to high electronegativity: 1) the carbon is pale blue (5), 2) the nitrogen with a yellowish (-5) triangle sphere and 3) the oxygen with an undeformed dark violet sphere (-35).
There is a yellow (-5) and violet (-25) structure in between the carbon and the nitrogen atoms. This same structure occurs between the nitrogen atoms and the two hydrogen atoms. These hydrogen atoms are the dark blue deformed spheres (10) surrounded by a pale blue (5) distorted spheres located north and south west on the nitrogen at the left and north and south east on the nitrogen at the right.
The nitrogen atom has 5 valence electrons 3 of them are shared between the carbon and the two hydrogen atoms. 2 more electrons remain ( the lone pair) to count on the nitrogen atom. They are the two toruses. The dark blue (10) surrounded by a toroidal pale blue (5) structure. It can be seen that they are semi-fused north west on the nitrogen at the left and north east at the nitrogen on the right.
This is far from what our current molecular model can explain...