What Occupies Your Mind Becomes Your Reality
JoAnna Ferrari
JoAnna Ferrari | CEO, Nova Strategic & Co-Founder | Business Mentor | Business Story & Innovation Specialist | Better. Faster. Now Podcast.
Every day you wake up to a new day, but most of us end up living yesterday or the last month’s thoughts. If each day is a new day, then why can’t we choose to have new thoughts? If we are living yesterday’s thoughts and didn't get what we wanted or things went poorly for us, then what we are doing is stacking a whole bunch of past days on top of each other. When we do this, we cannot help but start to believe the idea that “this is my life”. Once you believe that, how can you possibly wake up and say “today is going to be a great day!” and believe it? Your mind has days and maybe months of thoughts that prove otherwise. The thing is, we can override yesterday's thinking. We can choose at any time to believe something better can happen in our lives.?
Here’s why we don’t choose new thoughts for today. We believe our experience is true. We believe we are limited because of our experience. We believe we don’t deserve great things because of our experiences. We don’t know that we can control what occupies our mind beyond our experiences. The first three reasons I just gave you about why we don't choose new thoughts are governed by the fourth one, we don’t know that we can control what occupies our mind beyond our experience, to go one step further, we dont believe we can exceed our experiences with thoughts.?
Think of this: we watch what we eat because we know eating junk food will upset the body and make us feel bloated and uncomfortable in our body. So what do we do? We make a different decision, which is mentally overriding past choices and the body’s experience of those choices.?
We need to practice doing the same thing with our minds. Why keep feeding your mind thoughts that make it feel upset, bloated and uncomfortable? So we need to know what puts our mind in this uncomfortable state and override the old thinking with new thoughts.?
Obviously, it's not as easy as snapping your fingers and it's done. It took a long time to get your mind negative, it will take a while to get it to neutral and then positive. But here is the human way of thinking, “Oh what's the use, it won't make a difference anyway” or “I'm not someone who can believe in that thinking stuff”. Interestingly enough, you don't have to believe in it, you already do it and it has worked in a powerfully, negative way. So really all I'm asking you to do is the same thing you always did, but in reverse. Don’t think about what you are missing, be grateful for what you have. Don't like your body? be grateful you're alive and get out and walk. Don't like your finances? be grateful for what you do have and start to manage it differently. Don’t like your job? Start doing a great job so you get a great reference when you leave. Don’t like the relationship you are in? Ask why you loved this person before and what changed about you to feel not in love. All of these are simple changes in what you let occupy your mind.?
As I said it is not easy, but it is powerful and necessary if you truly want to cultivate a great life for yourself.?
What thoughts did this make you think? What actions did it bring to mind? How much better could your life be because you acted from these ideas? Only you know the answers and the results that are possible for you, so make great things happen. Stay Inspired, JJ
#believeitandyoullseeit #changeyourmind #juststart #anythingispossible #fearintoconfidence
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