What Obama's Legacy Should Mean to the Country

What Obama's Legacy Should Mean to the Country

I wrote this a little three years ago not long after starting my first company. It’s even more true today. #support #build #createsocietieswithinsociety

Hard work and dedication, prayers and belief fall short on execution without a good team. A team of people who believe in and support a dream is absolutely required in order to achieve greatness. I question why we fail to see greatness in each other and what makes it so difficult to support dreams in their seedling form?

Today, President Barack Hussein Obama delivered an amazing departing address to the nation. I hope everyone moved by his Farewell speech is also moved to see, support, and develop the Barack Obama in themselves as well as of others. Understand the former Illinois State Senator turned US Senator turned US President accomplished the "impossible." But he did not do it alone.

He was supported. People saw him. People developed him way before millions even knew who we was and what he was about. He loved his wife and his children before Facebook, Twitter and the invention of memes. He was supported when he ran for US Congress and failed. He was supported when he was a State Senator. He was supported when he ran for US Senator. He was supported when he announced his intention to run for the highest office 18 months before the general election.

He was supported by many folks along the way who saw what we all eventually witnessed. Folks who gave him an opportunity to be great. They did not wait for him to become the first black president or even run for president. They did not even wait for him to develop into someone who would be able to run for president of these United States.

Too many times we fail to see potential greatness in others therefore denying ourselves the opportunity to be a part of something great because it is not fully developed when we first encounter. All of us are not "Barack" at the moment but with the right support and development and opportunity, along with hard work and dedication, prayers, belief and a good team we can achieve anything.

I think the president has called us to action over the last nine years. To be more compassionate. Be more supportive of each other. To help others where we can achieve greatness. Is there a minority owned business or local company providing a service where your support can make a difference? Is there an idea where your support may help it grow into a reality that will improve and impact lives. If you are in a position to help and do not then your support of the first black president is coincidental and hypocritical. If you are a member of a group sworn to assist your fellow man and you allow your own insecurities and shortcomings to cut short someone's ability to grow then you are not a part of who/how Barack Obama came into being.

In my opinion the story of Barack is the story of seeing the impossible become possible. We have to believe we can recreate amazing stories like Barack through seeing, supporting and developing each other's dreams to make a difference. If we cannot do that then no meme or speech will truly change the conditions we constantly complain about.


Dan Ringo, J.D.的更多文章

