What if there is nothing wrong with you?

What if there is nothing wrong with you?

Sometimes I am in a strange space of mind. When I try so hard to achieve something and go absolutely nowhere. I start doubting myself, my abilities, my beliefs and start thinking, that this is probably not for me. I resign to the fact that I am not the right person for this task.

I don’t know if you ever felt like this. I think it mainly happens if we are trying to proof something to ourselves or others and somehow we don’t get the corner. The pressure is high and everybody, including us, is expecting us to succeed with all the glory in the world just to realise that we won’t make it.
This can be any situation at work when you failed to achieve your set goals or can’t find a goal to start with or in your private life when your partner looses interest in your relationship and blames you for it.

If that happens, I think it is quite natural to think that there is something wrong with us. Sometimes we get even told so over and over again.

If you are at this stage, I want you to ask yourself this question:

What if there is nothing wrong with me?

I believe we get to these points in life when we are trying too hard to achieve something and completely forget why we wanted to achieve it in the first place. That one thing took over our whole life and started to influence everything we do. Asking the question forces you to step back and look at it from a different perspective.

Think about it. Take yourself out of the equation and see what would be different? Is it even something you want to do?

Take your time now and see yourself as someone who is awesome, able and willing to learn, unique enough to actually add something amazing. How would that change the situation?


Maybe one little thing as a side note:

Whenever you feel you have to proof yourself, try to replace the word “proof” with the word “share”.
Don’t try to proof to everyone that you know it, but share your knowledge instead.
It takes away so much pressure and will make you a thousand times better in what ever you do.

Be authentic, be alive.


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