What is node version manager (NVM)
node version manager

What is node version manager (NVM)

if you installed the latest version of node js and you want to install anther version to work with it on a project, then you should install node version manager, which let you easily to work with node versions.

advantages of using NVM

  1. Download any of the remote Long Term Support (LTS) versions of Node.js with a simple command.
  2. switch between multiple versions of Node.js, right from the command line.

Installing NVM

1- linux => run this comand


2- windows => dowload the zip file and install it , it is very easy to dowload it and install

how to use it

1- check if installed or not.

nvm -v      // you should get nvm version like this 1.0.0        

2- install node js version

nvm?install?<SPECIFIC_NODE_VERSION>  // like 10.16.0        

3- switch to specific version of node js

nvm?use?<SPECIFIC_NODE_VERSION> // like 10.16.0        

In the end it is very useful to know NVM.

for more information you should open this link


