What is node version manager (NVM)
if you installed the latest version of node js and you want to install anther version to work with it on a project, then you should install node version manager, which let you easily to work with node versions.
advantages of using NVM
Installing NVM
1- linux => run this comand
2- windows => dowload the zip file and install it , it is very easy to dowload it and install
how to use it
1- check if installed or not.
nvm -v // you should get nvm version like this 1.0.0
2- install node js version
nvm?install?<SPECIFIC_NODE_VERSION> // like 10.16.0
3- switch to specific version of node js
nvm?use?<SPECIFIC_NODE_VERSION> // like 10.16.0
In the end it is very useful to know NVM.