What is "Nirvikalp Samadhi" Awastha?
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Samadhi is an ancient Sanskrit word which means Union. It is the union of individual persona, the egoic self with something greater, something unfathomable to the mind. Samadhi is a surrendering, a humbling of Individual mind to the Universal mind. The purpose of Meditation, Yoga, Prayer, Chanting and all Spiritual practices is one and that is Samadhi. In the language of Christian mystics it is humbling oneself before God.
Samadhi is realized through what Buddha called the middle way or what in Taoism is called the balance of ying and yang. In the yogic traditions it is called the marriage of Shiva and Shakti. When Samadhi is perfect, it is wisdom of the great ultimate reality. An understanding of the relationship between form and emptiness, relative and absolute, its a coming into one's true nature. Samadhi begins with a leap in to the unknown.
When mind, the life force and the body becomes calm, and the kundalini shakti reaching the agya chakra and going further meets the Sahasrara chakra, and all the connections with the outer world is cut off then it is called samadhi. There were sages in India who practiced this at the highest level of intensity, to reach a state called 'Samadhi'. This means that for a specified period of time, they gave up all human consciousness, where time and space were if no consideration to them. They were not attached to any phenomenon of the mind and body and were able to reach a state of complete fullness and perfection, dissolving in spiritual radiance with the oneness of the universe in divine sleep.
Samadhi is “Yogic absorption of life”. Samadhi is a state of ‘integration,’ a ‘unison’ of ‘everything.’ The expression Samadhi has come from three Sanskrit roots: “Sam” “a” and ‘Dha”. Sam is ‘everything’ and ‘a’ (long pronunciation - stress on ‘a’) meaning ‘towards’ and ‘dha,’ is ‘integration.’ Samadhi can be explained in many ways, but all leading to one thing having a common meaning of ‘integration.’ “Dhi” with its multiple meanings has a meaning “Intellect” (An attribute of “Buddhi” or one of the inner organs (Antahkaranams) of mind “ which makes wisdom possible” and hence Samadhi is a state where one ‘ceases to be in the material world’ (Yogic absorption of life ‘not amounting to death’ - a spiritual concept of India that death does not mean death, but only disintegration of physical body encasing (Patra) the essence of ‘Conscious energy.”)
Samadhi therefore can also be equated to a state of having ‘everything’ been integrated through “Dhi” or intellectual meditative processes acquiring what is described as “Moksha” which is the fourth ‘object of life’ (others being “Dharma,” “Artha” and “Kama”) in Hinduism, One can see the relevance of “Integration” or “Sam” as the centre focus in Hinduism from the very expression “Yoga” which came from the Sanskrit root “Yug” meaning “To integrate!” (Consider these words: Sanyasi, the one who has ‘laid down’ (nyasam) everything or “Sam;” “Samadhanam”- the non agitated mindset having understood “Sam;” “Samasya” - ‘Everything (sam) that need to be ‘sorted out’ (Asya), etc.)
One can further see that through Ashtanga Yoga Sutra or the “8 limbs (or “Anga”) of Yoga ‘Sutra’ ( Sutra is ‘Technique’), what Patanjali does is integrating “Sam” or “everything” to become unison with the ‘Whole!” In such a state one leaves everything ‘here’ including the karma -induced rebirth through a the karma of “Akarma” (Akarma is karma - actions - that do not attract ‘Papa’ or “Punya) and it is believed that the soul experiences ‘bliss’ or Sat-chit-ananda having been ceased from the cycle of birth and death!
The only one book worth reading is your own mind. The only book worth the effort of writing is your own perceptions. They are like a code which make up your entire world. Everything. Only puzzle worth solving is to learn to decipher that code. Every other perceptions you ever receive are just multiples of one primordial base code. How this base code morphs to shape up your reality is truly your basic business. It is the only quest worth venturing. Everything else are just it’s multiples and factorials.
They all come from and return to the base code. It comes in physics as quantum. It comes in spiritual journey as god. Some call it consciousness. Some call it bare awareness. the end result of the search is to realize the perceived is the perceiver. Both underlined by the same basic code. Thread of existence. It is the point where everything becomes one. That is my understanding of samadhi. Cheers!
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