What is next for Grocery Code


What is the code?

The code is intended to set rules for fair dealing in negotiations between retailers and suppliers, helping level the playing field in the grocery industry.

Politicians and others have pushed back on claims the code could raise prices, saying similar codes in the United Kingdom and Australia had a stabilizing effect.

“The (grocery) code is aimed at improving trust, transparency and certainty in the negotiations between retailers and suppliers,”


Source?—?https://montrealgazette.com/news/national/what-australia-and-the-u-k-s-grocery-codes-can-teach-us-about-canadas-food-fight or https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/what-is-the-grocery-code-of-conduct-and-will-it-help-to-lower-the-cost-of-food-1.6662266?

What is the key benefit??

One of the key pillars of the Code is that of the principle of Fair and Ethical dealing. In the spirit and intent of that principle, no parties to the Code shall undertake any punitive or retaliatory acts as a result of any party exercising their rights provided for under the Code.

What are the challenges with the grocery code?

  1. make it harder for retailers to hold suppliers accountable?
  2. create a lack of certainty in the supplier-retailer relationship
  3. pose risks to prices
  4. availability and discount programs.


Lessons learn from Australia and the United Kingdom Grocery Code:

In Australia, the launch of a grocery code in 2015 was prompted by complaints about how grocers treated suppliers, said Tanya Barden, chief executive of the Australian Food and Grocery Council.

In the UK, the code has been mandatory for the 14 largest chains since 2010. “It was designed to prevent retailers from transferring excessive risks and unexpected costs to suppliers,” explains Mark White, the current UK adjudicator.

“The cornerstone of the Australian code is the requirement for retailers to trade in good faith,” Barden says.

The code proposed in Canada shares certain aspects with the British and Australian models except on one important point: it also wants to integrate suppliers as well as retailers. This objective is more complicated to achieve, judges Tacon.

Source?—?https://financialpost.com/news/retail-marketing/australia-u-k-grocery-codes-teach-us-canadas-food-fight or https://canadiangrocer.com/grocery-code-conduct-canada-could-learn-lessons-elsewhere?

Grocery Store Profits


Currency Rates:


Paul is a former IBM Customer Success Manager that has deployed over 300 data and AI solutions across industry and geographies for the past 8 years. Paul is a Financial Planning, Analysis, and Reporting SME working with data including integration of macro and micro indicators as part of the integrated business planning and reporting cycle.

[email protected]


Seeking employment - https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/paul-young-055632b_hi-all-linked-in-followers-and-contacts-activity-7199365291288506369-qGVf?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

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Monthly Reports – Australia United States Canada and Province of Ontario - https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/paul-young-055632b_australia-canada-unitedstates-activity-7224703167886737408-QSu3?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Here are my last reports on Australia, Canada, United States, and the Province of Ontario

Monthly Report – Australia – July 2024 and June 2024 - https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/monthly-report-australia-july-2024-june-paul-young-8epvc/#

Monthly Report – United States – June 2024 and July 2024 - https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/monthly-report-united-states-june-2024-july-paul-young-eqrsc/

Monthly Report – Canada – July 2024 and June 2024 - https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/monthly-report-canada-june-2024-july-paul-young-wnpkc/

Monthly Report – Ontario – June 2024 and July 2024 - https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/monthly-report-ontario-june-2024-july-paul-young-nqsuc/





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