What Is Next For Gold: Will Global Coordinated QE Stop The Avalanche Of The Unpayable Debt?
This chart from Holger demonstrates the reality of the 21st century the best for our discussion. A champion among Central Banks by the size of its balance sheet relative to the economy is SNB (Swiss National Bank) and they have been buying stocks as Apple in the US like forever now. My very personal view on the situation can be summarised as follows: nobody can afford a second Lehman collapse. It was unimaginable to try again after the Great Financial Crisis in "normal circumstances" it is suicidal on the global scale now.
We are talking not only about tanks on the streets but people in hazmat suits with machine guns closing communities full of sick people into quarantine. This time there is a real problem which cannot be fixed just by printing money but without it, the full-blown panic will tear our societies apart.
I believe in the human ability to adapt and survive. Let's hope, that for a lot of us we will have a more pressing issue in life - our ability to lose money long before that brutal picture from a bad movie will ever materialise as I have described above. I expect a full-blown coordinated QE by all Central Banks like there is no tomorrow. Gold will go dramatically up allowing for the recalibration of the global financial system in order to survive the avalanche of unpayable debt. Now we can check what data and charts are telling us about the big picture. Read more.