What Next after Annual PAYE Returns

What Next after Annual PAYE Returns

Thank you for sticking through with our regular publications. Last month, January 2024, we wrote on Tax Planning, the need to be very strategic with striking balance between tax obligations of a taxable persons as mandated by the relevant tax laws with the tax concessions, exemptions, reliefs or holidays provided in the applicable tax laws. We share herein the link to this write up …………. Incase you missed this write up. https://www.dhirubhai.net/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7151075755345543168


In Nigeria, for tax practitioners/accountants, every January is very engaging month. This is due to the need to comply with the provision of S. 41 and 81(2) of the Personal Income Tax Act, (PITA) 2011 as amended[1]. Employers are required to file annually Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Returns with the RTA[2] not later than January 31 of every year. PAYE is the tax deducted on the income of earned by employees in a contract of service engagement with an employer. The process and the entire tax regulations of calculation and administration of PAYE in Nigeria is contained in the Personal Income Tax Act, (PITA), 2011 as amended. Taxable Persons and Taxable Income are as defined by S.2 and S.3 of this Act[3].


Employers who have met the following conditions are required to comply with the obligation to file annually PAYE returns as contained in S.41 and S.81 of the Act:

1.?????????????? Started business prior to or in 2023

2.????????????? Employed individuals or have in its employment’s employees in 2023 on a term of contract of service. A contract of service applies to an employee-employer relationship, while a contract for service applies in the case of an independent contractor[4].

3.????????????? Paid or agreed to pay the employees in reference to the term of the contract of service consideration as salary, wage, fee, allowance or other gain or profit from employment including compensations, bonuses, premiums, benefits or other perquisites allowed, given or granted by any person to any temporary or permanent employees other than so much of any sums as expenses incurred by him in the performance of his duties, and from which it is not intended that the employee should make any profit or gain[5].

The Act[6] also stipulated penalty of five hundred thousand naira (#500,000) on body corporate and fifty thousand naira (#50,000) on individual who did not comply with the obligation to filing the returns within the statutory timeline.


It is expected that the information supplied for the annual returns has been critically reviewed and confirmed to aligned with correct information of each responsible persons/entities and has been presented in the manner as literary required and in accordance with the guidance provided by each State Internal Revenue Service.


Some RTA such as the Lagos Internal Revenue Service (LIRS), Ogun State Internal Revenue Services (OGIRS) and a few more extended the deadline for compliance with the demand to filing annual returns. It is not out of place for the relevant tax authority to granting such extension but more importantly, tax consultants and or employers who filed these returns after the statutory timeline of January 31, must ensure that the public communique issued by each RTA affirming the extension of this statutory timeline without penalty should extract and keep for future reference this communique as there has been similar tax query in the past but the only justification for being exempt from the fine prescribed by the Act will then be the override provided by the RTA. This will provide basis for exemption for imposition of fine on returns submitted after the due date.


Our focus this February, 2024 shall be what next after the annual returns. As earlier reference, for any one to understand the administration of Personal Income Tax in Nigeria, a very instructive document is the Personal Income Tax Act. This is the primary document but this in addition to the National Tax Policy, Each State PAYE Regulations and Other Circulars/publication by each State Internal Revenue Services will be very instructive.


It is not out of place for these RTA despite having received the annual returns filings to raise tax queries on the inadequacy of the information provided for the returns, inadequacy of deductions/remittances as tax on the taxable income reported to have been paid to the employees etc and as a result, additional assessment may be served on each responsible persons. This is not out of place as it is envisaged and inline with the provisions of S.54 of the Act. The assessment may be communicated as a desk review or through an intention to carrying out Tax Audit Exercise on each liable person. We have therefore resolved to publishing this month, a paper on preparation and the administration of Tax PAYE Audit Exercise and managing desk review assessment. So, we urge you to be on a look out for this but in the main time, having filed the annual, advice your consultant to start to process for your employees their respective Tax Clearance Certificates (TCC) inline with S. 85 of the Act.

[1] Personal Income Tax Act, (PITA) 2011 as amended

[2] Relevant Tax Authority

[3] The Act is this write up is the Personal Income Tax Act, 2011 as amended

[4] (Solutions for HR, Human Resource Management, 2024)

[5] S. 3(1)(b) Personal Income Tax Act, (PITA) 2011 as amended

[6] S. 81(3) Personal Income Tax Act, (PITA) 2011 as amended


