What if the New Way to Look at the Universe is that it is Infinitely Old?

What if the New Way to Look at the Universe is that it is Infinitely Old?


Mixing it up today we have Google Gemini 1.5 002, Imagen3 art, and Google Vids AI, and Google NotebookLM to create a Podcast that explains the solution to the Big Bang problems is it never happened. It was an inside job. Imagine of CV Raman was right 96 years ago and light could scatter off fields instead of Doppler being the only way to make waves change wavelength?

Using AI 'Grad Students' I'm able to bounce ideas off the sounding board of the entire internet and with enough work brainwash the AI into thinking I'm right.

Listen (probably at 1.5 speed) and tell me what you think in the comments below.
